Page 4 of Fear the Reapers

The grating sound of metal against metal echoed through the tiny area. The lid of the trunk creaked as it was opened it from the outside.

I was overwhelmed with regret as I heard the two of them talking in Spanish, and wished I had taken the chance to learn it. I felt my ears perk up when I heard a few words in the conversation, and I knew it was about me. Before I had time to react, I was hoisted into the air, someone’s hands gripping me tightly, one arm beneath my knees and the other behind my back.

My muscles tensed as I instinctively fought against the restraints.

Kicking my legs like some drugged out mermaid.

My captor snarled, digging his fingers into my arm. Once I was completely out of the trunk and moving through the air, I continued to kick and flail and fight.

Even if it was all for naught.

I’d never give up trying to get away.

One thing I’d learned from my line of work? Never let your kidnapper take you to a secondary location.

As I listened to the conversation around me, I couldn’t recognize a single voice and the language was unfamiliar, so I knew that the situation would not turn out well. The restraints around my body made me feel helpless, but I kept fighting, refusing to surrender.

Suddenly, there was no restriction of my movements.

As his arms released me, I felt a moment of weightlessness before releasing a muffled shriek as I plummeted through the air. The rough texture of the gravel grazed my elbows as I hit the hard ground. I was thankful for the protection that my jeans provided, as what I imagined were sharp rocks poked me hard in my knees and thighs.

A chorus of laughter erupted around me, and my heart leapt to my throat.

More voices. Moremalevoices.

I knew I was tough.

I knew I could handle a hell of a lot more than people gave me credit for, at least, until they found out I was a Reaper. But the who, what, where, and why of my current situation had drained from my mind, making room for a singular, sickening thought. A thought that would run through the mind of any woman in a situation like the one I'd found myself in, regardless of her upbringing or whether or not she knew her way around a sharp side of a knife: what the hell are these assholes going to do to me?

I felt my skin grow taut as harsh hands grabbed me, pushing me further into the hard, unyielding ground. My muscles screamed out in agony, desperate for some sort of reprieve. I felt a pinch in my arm, followed by a feeling of euphoria.

An immense feeling of dread overwhelmed me, and the pain faded away as I sank into the shadows.



“Lark,you’ve gotta have something, man!” I shouted into my phone, pacing my room.

We quickly realized Harleigh was missing, her absence a constant clench in the pit of my stomach. We had to take into account all the details so we could make sense of the situation and find her. I should have told her how I felt before it was too late.

She was gone.

No one knew when she had been taken or by who, but I knew Dirk had something to do with it. When we get her back, she’d want him in the white room. The room of horrors inspired by a movie she once watched. And for the life of me, I couldn’t recall the name of it.

“I haven’t heard anything. If any of the guys had anything to do with her going missing, my bet is they’ve closed ranks and stashed whoever was involved somewhere safe. Everything’s pretty quiet.”

“Then we’re going to come up there and look for her ourselves.”

I’d hoped having a man inside the Crows might give us an advantage, but if he couldn’t find anything then we needed to get it ourselves. We all knew the importance of keeping Lark’s involvement with us a secret from the Crows, but nothing was going to stop us from finding her.

“That’s not a good idea.”

“You tell me what you’d be willing to do if your woman went missing?”

“Don’t have a woman.”

“Your sister then,” I retorted. There was no way in hell we would wait around with our thumbs up our asses for Dirk to just magically drop into our laps. We understood the gravity of the situation. The more time she spent out there, the more difficult it was going to be for us to find her safe.