Page 26 of Fear the Reapers

Jerry had been a Reaper at one time, but Harleigh ended his sorry ass when Loraine, his wife, came to her for help because he’d been abusing her. A month or so ago, she’d gone downstairs in the middle of the night and found his corpse propped up next to the jukebox in our clubhouse. To this day we still didn’t know who had done it, but we knew it had to be someone close enough to know how we disposed of his body.

“He had already transferred to the university, but we hadn’t really talked.” She ran her hands through her hair and tugged at the strands. “God, I’m so stupid.”

“No you’re not.”

“None of you have ever made such an epic mistake.”

“I have.”

“Name one.”

“Besides staying away from you for so long?” I winked.

“Yes, besides that.”

“Bringing Sapphire around.”

She laughed, then nodded. “Why did you break up with her?”

“She wanted a baby,” I replied.

The truth of the situation was, she had talked about getting married and when I explained to her that marriage was not something I wanted to do; she took things into her own hands. She waited for the moment I was heavily intoxicated and almost completely out of consciousness to attempt to seduce me. As it happened more than once, it was clear that she was scheming something.

“She wanted to have your baby while she cheated on you?”

“You knew about that?”

Since I knew she had been cheating on me for months, I always wore a condom with her. If someone had consumed enough alcohol, they might forget even the most basic information such as their own name.

“She wasn’t quiet about it. She told all of her friends, who discussed it openly.”

“You must think I’m an idiot.”

“Why did you date her?”

“You mean because she’s a stripper?”

“No, because she’s a bitch. I happen to know several strippers who don’t cheat on their boyfriends.”


“Why date her when she was cheating?”

“It was something to do.”

“What? You’re bored so you date a stripper?”

“It sounds awful when I say it, but Sapphire served a dual purpose. I dated her because I knew I would never love her. She also kept away all the other women for a while.”

“So why did you stay single after her?”

“I didn’t want to settle for second best when I wanted more.”

“And now?”

“Considering the only one I’ve ever wanted is you? I think I’m doing alright.”

“Did you just break up because she wanted to have your baby?”