Page 23 of Fear the Reapers

“Hunter, who did you have in your room last night?” Gunner asked.

“No one.”

“Oh you had someone, and wow was she a screamer.”

I hid my face in the fridge so no one would see the expression on my face. Hunter muttered something back to him under his breath. No doubt it was because he saw me behind the bar.

“Sorry man,” he responded.

I picked up my pace, and grabbed a bottle of coke out of the fridge, then went into the office without a backwards glance. It hadn’t bothered me that they heard me. What had irked me was that we had to keep everything quiet. Everyone seemed to be okay with seeing me and Dimitri together, and I couldn’t figure out why.

Maybe they all just expected me to find someone outside of our club.

Not that Dimitri was from outside anymore, but he was new and unknown to everyone. The guys who weren’t my brothers treated me like they were, and it was almost wrong to see any of them any other way. Not that I did. The only person I ever thought of as more than a brother was Hunter. And if he hadn’t had pulled his head out of his ass, he would still be one of the guys.

I abruptly halted at the sight of Erik behind the desk, his eyes meeting mine. I had an inkling that more had been altered since my abduction than I had initially thought.

“Sorry,” I said, my shoes scraping on the hardwood floor as I pivoted to go out of the office.

“Hellcat, a moment?”


“Since you have been back, I haven't had the chance to talk to you as I feel I should have.”

“Erik, we rarely talk much about our emotions in this family.”

He always had the best of intentions, but he was attempting to mend something that didn't need to be mended. My brother has always done everything he promised me he would. When he brought me back to Granville for the first time, he promised me that he would look after me and he kept his word. The second time, he didn’t need to use words to convey his promises.

“My wife told me to let it go. So this is me letting you live your life. Kujo is going to take some convincing, though,” he warned me. “We all knew Hunter had a thing for you. Kujo warned him away, and he didn’t listen.”

“So just let it all out in the open?”

“If you’re in love, and I’m positive you are, then don’t hide it.”

“Who knew you were a sap at heart?” I teased my brother.

“If you tell anyone I’ll kill you,” he responded

“Yeah right.”

“Get out of here. Go have fun with one or all of your men. Just don’t go anywhere alone.”

“Wasn’t planning on it,” I told him.


* * *

After the morning rush,I took the opportunity to wander around the clubhouse, breathing in the familiar air. I had just stepped on the bottom stair when I overheard Kujo ask, “Someone seriously dropped a baby off with your receptionist?”

“Yes,” Brandt gritted out.

“And you’re sure it’s your baby?” Kujo asked.

Bear was adad.

“There was a note in her car seat that claimed she was mine. I recognized the name the mother signed, and the dates line up. I made an appointment to get a DNA test later today to be sure.”