Page 107 of Fear the Reapers

“What’s going on out here?” I asked.

“This fucker is one of the patched members of the Crows.”

“Hold up,” Brandt cut in. “I know this guy.”

“Who the fuck is he?” I asked.

“I went to school with him. He was a couple years younger than me.”

“So you’re vouching for him?” Kujo asked. “‘Cause I don’t know him from Adam.”

“You’ve been dying to say that for years,” I teased him. “Who is this guy, Bear?”

“His name is Jax Carter.”

Everyone reached for their guns, the sound of metal scraping against leather echoing in the air.

“I come in peace,” Jax said. “I’m just here because I want to have a conversation. I think it’s time for us to sit down and have one club to club.”

“My question still stands,” Tank repeated. “How the fuck are you still alive?”

“He wasn’t at the compound last night,” I told Tank.

“Can I put my hands down now?” Jax asked.

I groaned. “Guys, even if he is armed, I doubt he’ll be able to get the drop on all of us.”

With a sigh of resignation, everyone lowered their guns and pointed them toward the ground. Every single one of them left their safeties off, though. None of them dared to take the risk. Given the events of the last couple months, I couldn't begrudge them for their reaction.

“Why weren’t you there?” I asked.

“My uncle, some of our crew, and I were out on a run. We’ve been gone for a couple of weeks and just arrived back this morning.”

“How did you know to come here?” Brandt asked.

“Everyone knows what’s going on between the River City charter and yours. It was only a matter of time before it came back on us.”

“Seems suspect that you were out of town, then,” Kujo remarked.

“Yeah right,” he responded with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “We had no way of predicting that we would have to leave town if one of ours totally destroyed your group.”

“Prez, what do you want us to do?”

Turning my head to the side, I noticed that Erik had made his way up to us at the top of the stairs. Archer was standing to the side, it seemed he had been the one to get him for us.

“He didn’t have to show up here alone. He could have come with more people,” Erik replied. “Hell, he had enough time to call in the whole River City charter to meet him at our front door.”

“So what should we do?” I asked.

“We need to question him, and it’s foolish to continue this discussion out in the open like this.”

“And it’s not safe to take him inside,” Kujo said.

"I've got an idea,” Brandt told us all as he disappeared inside.

We had reached a point where neither of us could come to an agreement and I was completely in the dark as to what Brandt was thinking. As the lockdown was still in effect, it was not the most sensible plan to bring in a recognized member of the Crows’ organization into the building. However, Erik was correct in his assessment, we could not simply keep talking about this topic in such a public place.

We were all sitting ducks standing out here together.