Page 101 of Fear the Reapers

Suddenly, as Dimitri added the guys, our chat became a group chat.


Where are you right now?

I almost shut off my phone, but then I stood there for a moment and considered everything. Sure, I could go into that building right now and kill some of them. I was good, but I wasn’t invincible. With three extra shooters, my chances would increase exponentially.


Crows’ territory.


I’m just around the corner.

Of course he was.

The fucker probably followed me when I left.

If it was even possible, I loved him a little more for it.

With a heavy sigh, I conceded to wait for them and found a spot to hide just down the street from the Crows’ compound. From my vantage point, I could see the main entrance to the building. So it was there that I remained as I contemplated a plan. Their clubhouse was much more compact than ours, with far fewer amenities. The main floor accommodated their bar and meeting area. Their rooms were situated on the uppermost floor, which gave them a view of the main floor.

With a knowledge of the general layout, I had the intention of secretly entering while the majority of them were asleep.

“If anyone comes out, distract them,” I told the guys. I had been standing there for an hour and nothing had occurred that seemed out of the ordinary.

“You’re not going in there alone.”

“Of course I am.”

“Are you completely mad?”

“No, I’m completely sane. I need the three of you out here to make sure none of them get away.”

“And you’re just going to walk through the front door?”

“Of course not! I’m going in the back way.”

“There’s a back way?” Hunter asked.

“According to Lark. Or at least there was the last time he was here.”

“I still don’t like the idea of you going in there on your own,” Dimitri said.

Maybe he had the right idea.

“So, what do you want to do?” I asked. “Play rock, paper, scissors?”

“Dimitri can go with you,” Hunter responded. “Brax and I will work better out here. He might even be able to point out some of the key players. I’m more familiar with the guys from this charter than the one in River City.”

“We’ll signal you when it’s clear.”

“What exactly are you planning on doing?”

“Shooting everyone is out of the question because that’s not stealthy at all.”

The moment I stepped away from them, my stomach dropped.