Page 81 of Fear the Reapers

“Just wanted to put it out there,” I told him.

Then we proceeded to kick their asses.



I glancedover at Harleigh tending to the bar and I knew one thing for sure. Now that I had her, I wouldn’t give her up. Neither would the other two assholes she’d brought into our world. I made my way over to her and sat on one of the empty stools at the end.

When we got home from the club a couple nights ago, she’d asked me if I was jealous about her dancing with Liam the way she had been.

I thought back to the first time I met her. Neither of us were old enough to understand relationships between boys and girls. All I knew was that she showed up out of nowhere and followed Kujo and me around.

She was constantly getting into situations she couldn’t handle. She’d find herself at the top of a tree because she had to prove she was abig girland that she could keep up with us. Then we would have to find someone older to get her back down, because of course she couldn’t. To make matters worse, we were always being told to look after her better.

That she was a helpless little girl.


Yeah, fucking right!

More like a total nuisance. How I didn’t figure out the moment we met that she’d quickly wrap me around her finger was beyond me. Oh, I saw it once we got older, and she developed curves where she shouldn’t have had them.

Cause I fucking knew I shouldn’t notice.

The one time that stuck in my mind was just after she turned sixteen. She had been more involved in the club’s business because she could get into places where we couldn’t. It wasn’t Erik’s idea to use her like that, but he knew if we didn’t include her, she probably would have gotten herself involved somehow anyway. We’d had a party at the clubhouse to celebrate a huge contract being completed and she showed up.

She’d cornered me when her brothers’ attentions were elsewhere. To this day, I didn’t know if it was because she had done her best to dress older than she was, or if it was just her natural beauty that drew me in. Either way, I shouldn’t have kissed her. It wasn’t her fault for tempting me; it was mine for giving in. All I knew was that I shouldn’t have touched her because from that day forward, after I pressed my lips to hers, she was all that I could think about.

If I’d have been any more of an asshole, and hadn’t been signing my death warrant, I would have taken her up to my room and never let her go. As it was, I had to let her go. Every day from that one, I had to watch from the sidelines as shedatedother men. And now I was actually signing up to share her with two of those men. The one she went running to when she didn’t get what she wanted from me, and the one she used to make me jealous.

Even though being jealous of her being with Liam hadn’t crossed my mind, a part of me wanted to know, so I asked, “Have you ever thought of him as more than a friend?”

She shook her head. “He’s only ever felt like a brother to me.”

“And what are your thoughts on us?”

“You mean me and you, or me and them and you?”

“All of us. Me and you, or you and them.”

“Why share me?” she asked.

“‘Cause you're too much for one guy to handle.”

“I don't need anyone to handle me.”

“That’s not at all what I meant.”

“I can't even keep my best friend happy. How the hell am I going to keep you happy?”

“You will.”

“How can you be so certain?”

“Because you love us.”

“Who said anything about love?” she asked.