Page 13 of Fear the Reapers

“They didn’t—” A pained expression crossed his face as he struggled to find the words to ask me the one question a brother didn’t want to ask his little sister.

I shook my head. “I don’t think so,” I answered, but then added, “Although, I was out of it for most of the time, so I couldn’t know for sure. I’d rather not think about it right now.”

“I was with her most of the time, sir,” Juan cut in.

“That’s very comforting,” I mumbled, followed by a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“They wouldn’t have had time to do anything to you while you were out.”

“There’s a lot that a person could do to you in two minutes. I’ve done a lot of damage within that length of time.”

“We’ll get you checked out when we get back home. I’ll have Doc come to the clubhouse.”

“Sounds good,” I agreed, even though I would prefer not to know at all.

Sometimes it was better not to think about what could have happened, and rather to compartmentalize everything. To ensure I was fully protected, I would let the Doc run all his tests and take a Plan B. A little extra caution never hurt.

“Alright, let’s go,” he replied as he waved his hand to the steps of the plane.

“He’s coming with us?” I asked.

“It was part of the deal,” my brother responded as Juan tossed his gun in the trunk of the car, and trailed behind us at a safe distance.

At least he had the presence of mind to leave the large weapons behind. Where we were going, the authorities wouldn’t look too kindly on him bringing it with us. It would be hard enough explaining why we were bringing him back with us. Hopefully, he didn’t have a rap sheet longer than my arms.

“Where are we?” I asked.


From the look of things, we’d returned full circle to my home town.

“Nothing like escaping this place only to be brought back to it by kidnappers.”

“At least they didn’t have time to get you out of the country.”

“There is that,” I agreed.

I would have been fucked if that would have happened.



Erik directedme onto the plane, his hand on my lower back a comforting reminder of his presence. I didn't know how to react when he handled me with such gentle care, even if it was what I needed. When I got to the top of the stairs, I took in my surroundings. The inside of the plane was comfortably spacious, like the feeling of stepping into a grand living room.

The room was filled with several plush seats, and a round table tucked in the corner. As I looked around the plane, I noticed a door to the front where I could only assume the pilot was located, and two more to the rear of the aircraft.

“What’s back there?” I asked.

“Probably a bedroom,” Erik responded with a chuckle. “The other door is the bathroom.”

“Why the hell would anyone need a bedroom on a plane?” I shook my head.

“You’ve never heard of the mile high club?”

I pointed between us. “You and I will never discuss that club. I don’t want to know how you and Ana spend your time on planes. What I want to know is whose plane is this.”

“Alexei’s,” he responded.