Page 106 of Fear the Reapers

If only she would have just stayed in Ontario, she could’ve had the possibility of seeing another day.

“I had to do it.”

“I highly doubt that,” I responded. “No one forced you to come back from Ontario.” I knew in that moment I would likely make it quick. She seemed too pathetic to be the mastermind behind all of this.

Hunter took a menacing step forward. “Why did you make up the story about Jerry abusing you?”

Her mouth fell open, and she glanced down, avoiding eye contact.

“What the fuck did he see that I didn’t?” I asked Dimitri.

“None of it made sense. She had no reason to come back. At least not until she heard that Jerry’s body was going to be discovered. She thought she would claim the rest of his money.”

“She came back for the money, but when she got here, Dirk had probably already claimed it as his son,” Brax added.

When Loraine flinched, I knew he’d hit it on the head.

“That still doesn’t explain why she worked with Dirk, or why she would fake being abused by Jerry,” I told him.

“I didn’t fake being abused,” she gasped. “Harleigh, you know it was true. You saw it with your own eyes.”

I took a step back. “I never once saw Jerry lay a hand on you, but I took you at your word because I despise abusers.”

“I swear, I never lied. You were there when I lost the baby.”

“You’re right," I agreed. “I was there when you had the miscarriage.”

“What do you want us to do?” Hunter asked.

After everything she’d done, I wanted to ask her why.

We could have tortured her, and maybe by the end, she would have sung like a canary. She quite possibly would have been ready to give up anything we’d asked. Then again, if all her stories had been fabrications, I had to come to terms with the fact that I couldn’t trust the sound of her voice.

There was no point, because it wouldn’t change anything.

She’d be ending up exactly where everyone else ended up.

As worm food.



The next afternoon,the sound of shouting at the front door had several guys sprinting. Since everyone was still being housed in the clubhouse, we were being extra careful. Erik had kept the lockdown in place, waiting to see if any response came back to us from the carnage at the Crows’ compound.

So far, there had been nothing.

So when my brother Brandt followed the guys through the double doors, I called out, “What’s going on?” The only thing that came to mind was that this could be some form of retaliatory strike.

“Someone’s out front.”

I threw the dripping wet cloth into the sink, dried my hands on a towel and then grabbed a gun from its hiding place beneath the counter. I raced to keep up with him as I followed him out the door, the thud of my pulse pounding in my head.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Gunner asked.

A man I didn’t recognize, stood as still as a statue in the parking lot, with his hands lifted up high into the air.

“The better question is: how the fuck are any of you still living?” Tank added.