Page 52 of Twenty Questions

“Ohhh, so your boyfriend forbids you from having dinner with your exes?”

“No, he doesn’t, but you’re black-listed.”

“Chill, Ash. We’re grown-ups, aren’t we? I, too, have someone in my life. I live on the other side of the planet and won’t be your client much longer. It’s dinner, not a marriage proposal. Stop resisting…” Amusing. Adamant. Annoying.

Torn, I mumble in half-frustration, half-excitement.





“Are we all set?” I exhale, spent. The friendly twenty-something customer service rep at the airport counter offers a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry.” I tear my bloodshot eyes from the form that I just filled out and register that she’s wearing a name tag. “Listen, Sherry, I didn’t mean to be rude.” I feel like shit for lashing out at her.

She flushes a deeper shade of red. I pretend not to notice, although her pink cheeks are a clear indication that she finds me to her liking. On top of that, she never actually looked me straight in the eye, rather choosing to nervously glance between my chest and the small airport counter.

“Don’t worry about it, sir.” I quiver at the last word that’s now associated with Ash in the best way. Thank God, my dick can decipher the difference in situation, tone, and intent. “You haven’t been anything but polite.” Her eyes meet mine for a split second before returning to read my information for the umpteenth time. Her face turns redder. I sometimes forget that my light eye color makes people uncomfortable, as if I can see through them and into their souls. “Dealing with annoyed customers is part of my job after all.” The pretty brunette who resembles Selena Gomez shrugs, her ponytail bouncing behind her. “I completely understand. It’s always a hassle when plans don’t go smoothly.”

“True. I could have done without the misplaced luggage, although you efficiently managed to locate it, so, thanks for that.” I’m nervously clicking the pen that Sherry handed me to complete the form that will hopefully ensure that I get my belongings back in no time.

“I apologize for the inconvenience, Mister Toussaint.” So, she has actually read my name and isn’t just using the document as a pretense to avoid eye contact. “I hope that the flight was otherwise pleasant.”

“Yeah, thank you. It was fine, although I’m wondering if catching an earlier flight was a good idea after all, considering the situation.” It’s my turn to shrug. “Again, I apologize. I haven’t slept much since I left Punta Cana… It’s not an excuse, merely an explanation.”

Before I go, she asks about my experience in the Dominican Republic, which has been on her bucket list since she started studying Spanish.

“Overall, it was great, thank you. Granted, I prefer the mild weather here to the muggy weather there. Can you believe summer will be here tomorrow? Time flies.” I whisper the last two sentences to myself, pause, then add, “Honestly, I would have preferred a quieter stay. A tropical storm delayed the planned work schedule, but we made due.” I thank Sherry when she confirms that I’m all set as far as paperwork goes and should get my luggage back within a couple of days at the latest. All in all, it could have been worse.

This was my second visit to DR, but I left the second my shoot was done. No sightseeing this time. Not that I mind. I miss my man like crazy. The flights and layover in Fort Lauderdale dragged. I’m not typically the impatient type, but every piece of me misses Ash. The fact that we agreed to go radio silent during our time apart might have amplified the craving. All in the name of staying focused on work.

And look at me now! Heart pounding in the back of my Uber. Legs bouncing like a high schooler being asked to prom. Eyes glued to my phone debating whether to text him to give him a heads up. Garcia warned me before I barged in on Ash the first time, but our reunion proved her wrong. He appreciated my surprise. This one is of a similar nature, although he is expecting me this time… only not so soon!

With that in mind, I stow my phone in the front compartment of my backpack that’s crammed with some basic items and my precious camera; the rest of the equipment is thankfully handled by the magazine crew, so I traveled light.

Taking a deep breath to pace myself, I allow my head to lean against the headrest and relax. My muscles ache from being folded in an awkward plane seat for hours. Whoever designed plane seats are masochists! And not in a good way! I rub my thighs while staring into the night. I grumble at my misplaced luggage, which delayed my departure from the airport by almost an hour. It’s a good thing that they fed me dinner on the plane. It’s a good thing that I don’t have any assignments booked for another few weeks. It’s a good thing that I’ll have plenty of time to recover and ravage my lover’s deliciously responsive body.

Right now, the surrounding darkness magnifies my exhaustion, and I doze off until I eventually recognize familiar buildings indicating that we’ve reached my neighborhood.

I smile.Myneighborhood...

“You can drop me here,” I tell the driver when I’m a few blocks from home.Home.I've been sitting for too long. Walking will assuage my unexplainable nerves and sluggish state.

Since when are these two compatible?

Shutting the car door behind me, I welcome the unexpected light breeze on my skin. Now that I think about it, not having to schlep my suitcase is a perk.I’m not delaying my return home, rather trying to make sense of what made me schedule an earlier flight on a whim.

It’s not a whim. It’s an uncontrollable need. Ashton deserves to hear me say the words.

The urge to see my man sends adrenaline pumping through my body. The salty air and my increasing pace make my lungs burn slightly, but I ignore it for now and power through. My steps come to a halt when I reach the windows of the retro diner where Ash and I often go for brunch. Catching my breath, I brazenly do some people-watching as I near the front door. I’m tempted to buy some desserts, but decide against it considering the time. I smile at the patrons who are obviously enjoying their food.

My eyes are drawn to a couple kissing. I can’t see their faces since they’re in a dim alley beside the restaurant. The way that the tall dark-haired guy with his back to me is manhandling a girl who’s nearly his height is strangely erotic.

Caging her body against the wall with her hands nowhere in sight. Intertwining his legs with hers to add some friction. Fisting her hair to position her at the right angle—which hides her and prevents me from seeing finer details. His domineering ways speak to the new me. I’d never given my preferences in the bedroom much thought. My time with Ash has taught me that there are more flavors and kinks than I’d ever imagined. I’m not ready to try everything, but I’m surely more open than I was a few months ago. Then, I would have berated myself for being a voyeur. Now, I’m drawn to them like a moth to a flame. I squint my eyes, curious to see how far they’ll go with their PDA.

A shoulder. A calf. An arm. I grasp details despite the lack of light and realize that the person against the wall is a guy, which heightens my excitement. I scold myself for assuming that it was a girl. My cock twitches against my zipper.