Page 29 of Twenty Questions


I never pictured you as a 50 Shades fanboy.

How do you always manage to surprise me?


Ohhh… 50 Shades! Right…

That’s what I get for picking up expressions from Garcia. I just made a fool of myself, didn’t I?

There might be fifty ways—or more—to make Ash’s BDSM kink work. I’m far from vanilla myself. Fingers crossed that we’re compatible. With these nagging thoughts battling inside of my head, I pace the room and gulp my coffee too quickly, burning my tongue.

I need to know, but right now, let’s return to safer ground...


I can see you blush from the other side of the ocean ;) It’s cute.


Fuck you!


Don’t tempt me. *Grins* What I meant to say was: Sorry I woke you.

It’s sweet that he apologizes for waking me up in the middle of the night in Paris when it’s about dinnertime in my current location.


Relax, timal. Perfect timing. You know me. I would have complained otherwise.


True. Had some time on my hands while waiting for my fav cousin, Tom. Remember him?


Yup. You grew up with him. UX designer. I pay attention, you know.

Relocation to LA. Dinner with his cousin. Video chat with me. All of these are green lights indicating that Ash is definitely single.


Indeed. So yeah, trading my cousin’s healthy habits for pizza & beer tonight!


No comment :-D Btw, you still haven’t told me why I should be mad at you…


Idk. Well, you usually answer faster so I thought you weren’t thrilled with me keeping secrets. Wanted to explain.

When I see three little dots appear, indicating that he’s typing again, I stop typing to allow him to finish.
