Page 27 of Twenty Questions

What Tom isn’t privy to is the incredible connection that my accident in Bali spurred. I don’t want anybody to assume that there’s more to it and prefer to preserve the little bubble that Nino and I share. Sure, Nino is an attractive man, but I’ve never thought of him that way; I saw his reaction when I mentioned my tastes. Even if I had been single at the time, I’m pretty sure that he would have run for the hills. For all I know, he might have since I haven’t heard from him in days, which is unlike him.

He isn’t mad at me for my rash decision, is he?

I chase the troubling thought away. “How’s 6:30? If you behave, I’ll fill you in on the gory details of Alex’s reaction to my departure.”

Well, I’ll keep a couple of things that are none of his business under wraps.

Bribing Tom isn’t really necessary. He already got an abbreviated PG-13 version and congratulated me for initiating it. Per usual, Tom didn’t pry, although Alex’s hot temper and natural bossiness didn’t appeal to him when I hinted at his volatile ways. I bet that after a couple of drinks, he’ll tell me that I’m better off without him. I don’t have the luxury of judging his conquests, who come and go through a revolving door, and my cousin barely mentions anyone in particular whenever we text.

“Deal! I’ll bring some beer, and we’ll pretend we’re still careless college kids, okay?”

“See ya.”




“Ladies and gentlemen, as we begin our descent into Los Angeles, please make sure that your seat and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened and that all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead compartments.”

At last!

My irritation builds as I grab my stuff in haste. I can’t get off of this plane soon enough… and let’s not talk about the wait to go through customs. Being a fashion photographer entails spending a great deal of time in airports. I usually have patience. Not today…

Especially since it gives me ample time to realize that surprising Ash as I’d hoped isn’t possible because I don’t have his address.

I should have thought this through! See, Garcia! That’s me being impulsive and foolish.

Of course, I had to blame her for not putting the kibosh on my decision to spend a small fortune on a last-minute coach ticket with a bonus layover. So much for traveling in business class and catching up on my beauty sleep… Well, that’s not typical for my work either; I’m just being grumpy.

The Santa Monica hotel that Garcia recommended doesn’t disappoint and brings a smile to my tired face. It’s modern, trendy, and affordable because it’s a few blocks from the ocean.

Two hours later, I’m freshly showered, ridiculously jet-lagged, and oddly antsy. My stomach’s in knots, so I don’t have much of an appetite for dinner. It’ll depend on what happens with Ash.

Wrapping a long, plush towel around my waist, I flop backwards onto the bed. Damn, it feels good to lie down. The scalding shower with fancy jet sprays didn’t last long enough to soothe my tired muscles.

Within seconds, I doze off, but my phone chimes on the nightstand, rousing me.


Are you mad at me?

Talk about mind reading! My pulse races. I scoot to the edge of the bed, a satisfied grin on my stupid face; maybe I’ll have a chance to surprise him after all! “Il faut battre le fer pendant qu’il est chaud,” I murmur to myself as if Ash can hear me and knows that I’m opting to strike while the iron is hot.


No. Why would I be?


Oh, you’re up?

A certain part of my anatomy stands at attention. I took care of it while showering, but for some reason, it’s throbbing and ready to go.

Therefore, I rearrange the pillows—and my package—while I ponder a less revealing answer, yawning as I fight back my fatigue.
