Page 3 of Twenty Questions

With my thick dreadlocks, a young Lenny Kravitz is a more appropriate comparison, although I’m from Martinique—a French Caribbean Island located in the Lesser Antilles.

Still, I’d kill to be in the same shape that Kravitz is in my fifties. I can’t complain, but I’m half his age and have a hard time keeping up with the treadmill that is my life!

“You sure you’re okay?” It feels bizarre to make conversation using actual words… and be oddly at ease with a guy I just met under the worst circumstance.

Is this instant connection a figment of my imagination? Nah! Our unspoken words were evidence enough.Relief, gratitude, and confusion were expressed once I ushered him to safer ground.

My mind battles with the thought. His chest heaves. I feel his stare on me again. “Well, like you said, I’m alive… but not quite kicking yet!” An embarrassed giggle leaves his mouth and he faces the horizon. “Too bad I can’t say the same about my surfboard. I can’t believe it’s gone.” His depleted tone speaks volumes.

“Oh, damn! I didn’t realize you were surfing. What happened?”

“You tell me! One minute I’m surfing and the next I’m greeting my parents…” My eyes widen at his disjointed words. Maybe he suffered more damage than I thought. I open my mouth to speak, but he beats me to it. “How did you notice that I was in trouble? Was I unconscious for a while? Why didn’t the lifeguards come to my rescue? Have you been to Bali before? Why are you so patient with me? Did you—”

I raise my hand. “Hold your horses. What is this? Twenty Questions?” Despite the gravity of what just occurred, my chest vibrates with laughter. This guy is something else!

He blinks before responding. “Sorry about that. I tend to ramble when I’m nervous. Anyway, believe it or not, I’m a pretty good surfer. This has never happened before.” He runs his hand through his damp curls, showcasing his face and bone structure; the photographer in me can’t help but notice these types of details that others miss. “Well… I had my fair share of wipeouts when I started out almost ten years ago, but never like this. Should have started easy in Kuta first… Maybe the waves in Canggu aren’t as friendly as the ones in SoCal.” Ash’s voice is low. “That’s where I learned… back when I lived with my uncle…” Ash stops short. “I’m doing it again, aren’t I?” I grin to help him relax.Is he in shock?“It’s just that… I’m such an idiot for letting my mind wander.”

With that, Ash straightens and looks around. When his attention returns to me, he smiles back. Once I ascertain that he’s fine and won’t collapse, I shift from my knees to my butt and dig my palms into the sand to support my weight. My eyes are drawn to his arms, which are crossed over his chest. His biceps bulge, which contrasts with his lean athletic build.

“What do you mean?”

We’re far enough from the water to stay dry but close enough to be relatively alone, even if the beach is starting to fill with tourists. I wonder what time it is; the girls and I started at an indecent hour because that’s when the light’s best, and considering the recent turn of events, I’m afraid that today’s session is ruined.

“Surfing in Bali has always been a dream of mine. I got here a couple of days ago. I’d heard so much about these waves.” He chuckles, rolling his wetsuit down to his waist. “Now that I’ve experienced them first hand, I can see why.” He shakes his head and smiles. “Yesterday felt effortless. It must have made me overconfident. Like Alex keeps reminding me, I should have known better.” His eyes are defiant for a reason that I don’t comprehend.

“Who’s Alex?”

“My boyfriend,” he says casually, his toes drawing patterns in the sand.

My heart tightens as I glance at him, dumbstruck. He remains quiet, and I close my eyes for a second, dwelling on my sudden discomfort. I guess Ash’s openness about his sexual orientation baffles me. After all, I’m a total stranger!

Ash’s unexpected revelation somehow makes me feel exposed. I pop my eyes open, pretending that I’m not shirtless and wearing dripping wet khaki shorts that are plastered to my skin, and extend my legs so they’re parallel to his.

“Alex arranged this vacation to celebrate our two-year anniversary. Surfing’s my passion, not his. Early waves are my favorite, but he couldn’t be here today.” His tone gets more assertive. “Anyway, this particular spot meant everything… until today, that is!” He lets out a bitter chuckle and worries the corner of his lower lip.

“You mean that it’ll remind you of myBaywatchskills as well as the rescue breaths I gave you?” I tease, but when he blushes and stares at his feet, I wish I could take the words back. It must sound like I’m flirting. Shit! I cough lightly, which almost covers his muttered words.

“Right…Thekiss of life…” He stresses the word and pauses again. “That, too. Truth is, I couldn’t wait to give this surfing spot a try. I stupidly thought I was experienced enough to surf here.”

This time, I can’t allow the silence to settle between us, although it’s not my place to comment. “I’m glad Gisele saw you. Her screams made me drop my camera and act on instinct… Well, my training kicked in, so you’ll have to thank the Red Cross. Knowing how to handle the ocean is one of the perks of growing up on an island…”

Are his eyes fixated on my mouth? Chill out, man. You’re hallucinating!

He sighs. “Actually, I really just dropped my shirt. I mean… my camera is worth way too much money! I handed it to the girls, then swam as fast as I could. Dammit… Guess it’s my turn to babble... You were unconscious when I grabbed you, which freaked me out. I’ve always wanted to test my CPR skills, as morbid as that sounds. You were the perfect candidate.”

His cheeks turn rosy again.

Does he think I’m coming on to him? Am I? Get your flirty nature in check, Toussaint. Now is not the time.

“Why don’t you stand so we can test your balance?” He nods approvingly and complies, so I get up as well.

Funny, with his delicate bone structure, I didn’t picture him as almost matching my 6’3… He must be at least 6’1.

Facing the ocean, I step out of his personal space and brush the sand off of my shorts. “There are outdoor showers over there if you want to clean up.” I point my thumb behind me without bothering to look. “There’s sand caked in your hair.”

“Thanks for the tip as well as saving my life. I’m forever in your debt.”

“Nah, forget about it.”