What the ever-loving fuck.She is the target, not just a woman unfortunately caught in the chaos. That’s why they all left. They had their girl. They were never meant to kill us all. They just wanted her. Our Francesca.MyFrancesca.
Shifting my attention from my brother, I meet her eyes. As round as saucers, light-toffee coloured, I could stare at them forever, but at this moment they are killing me. She looks beyond beautiful and as dignified as ever, but the terror is radiating off her.
‘It’s okay’, I mouth to her. ‘It’ll be okay’. Her lip quivers in response, but her posture remains rigid and aloof. Her nose is slightly tilted in the air in haughtiness as if to flip the bird at her assailant and show she is unbreakable. My little darling is shaking like a leaf though.
The man fists her hair, yanking it back to expose her neck further. I swear I can see her pulse beating under her skin from where I stand. He presses the knife hard enough into her flawless skin that it breaks skin and blood trickles down towards her sternum.
She whimpers and rage courses through me, eating up much of the paralysing fear that had arrived first. This fucker is a dead man. He was a dead man the minute he even thought about touching Francesca. I bare my teeth but force myself to remain still.
Elio is dithering. Asking too many questions and not applying any pressure. The guy with the knife feels like he has the upper hand and right now, he does.What are you doing, Elio?
I know he must be carrying another weapon somewhere. My handgun is suddenly heavy in the shoulder holster under my blazer.
Matty catches my eye. He is worried Elio doesn’t have this in hand too. Massimo is still crouched next to Bluey and I can hear his heavy breathing. We are all at a standstill.
“Are you just going to sit there and watch me cut her tiny throat?” the man in black taunts Elio and I want to scream at my brother to fucking do something.
“I’m trying to work out your angle,” Elio replies simply. “What is your endgame? You think you’re going to walk away from here?”
The longer this drags on, the more Elio’s authority will diminish. The fuckin’ dog cunt facing us should be lying in a pool of his own blood already, a bullet between the eyes. I’m getting itchy to jump in and take control.
“This ends one of two ways. Either she comes with me now or her life ends here in the middle of a deserted road. The choice is yours and hers.”
“If I let you take her, what happens next?” Elio asks and I want to fucking shoot him. I can’t believe he is even entertaining this.
“She is kept…safeso long as your marriage is called off. If not, she pays the price for your failures,” he states plainly.
“Why do you care if we marry?”
I can’t take it any longer. As Elio mulls over what he is hearing, Francesca lets out a sob and it breaks my heart in two. She’s trying so hard to be brave, but she has a fucking huge knife to her throat. She’s bleeding just enough for it to be alarming without doing any real damage. I see her taking in the bright red streams charting a course down her neck and chest.
“It’s okay, darlin’,” I try to reassure Francesa. To Elio, I state, “He is not walking out of here with her.”
His hesitancy is visible for all present to see. This is life and death and he is terrified to make a decision. Holding his gaze for a few seconds, I realise his eyes are begging me for help. Elio is out of his depth.
“Killing her here will solve the problem just fine,” Francesca’s attacker snaps at me, picking up on my authority and Elio’s deference.
“G, please,” Massimo begs me, just loud enough for me to hear. Matty gives me a slight nod, telling me without words to take control because he has my back.
I’m going to kill this man, but I need to get my gun from my holster fast enough that he doesn’t have time to slit her throat before I have even cocked it. He’s using her as a shield and this won’t be easy.
I step forward slowly. “Mate, I’m going to give you one chance to let her go and get the fuck out of here.”
I let cold, hard, power ripple from me so no one has any doubt that I am in charge now. “If not? You will die here, in the middle of this deserted road.” I’m lying. He’s dying either way.
He scoffs. “Does your big sister fight all your battles for you?” He looks over to Elio, but not long enough for me to draw my weapon. I need the man to really look at him.
“Yes,” I laugh, filling my voice with derision and arrogance. “He’s fucking incapable of doing anything without me. Isn’t that right, little brother? Can’t even protect your own woman. Do you need me to carry her to your bed and make her cum for you too?”
His gaze is flicking between us as I spit out the cruel words that I know are hitting Elio’s ego like darts to a board. I need Elio to play along, and hold his attention.
“Fuck you, Gio!’ He shouts, picking up the strategy. “You’re a fucking control freak. I had it handled!”
The man with the knife barks out a laugh and his diverted attention gives me the time I need to draw my weapon. When he next glances at me, he stares down the barrel of a gun.
“Last. Chance.” I grit my teeth and warn him, but he’s holding Francesca far too close for me to risk a shot. I step closer.
“Stop!” He shrieks. “Don’t come any closer or I’ll end her.”