Giovanna is going to punch Elio soon though. His favourite thing has become cracking jokes about the fact that he has rooted his sister-in-law.
My bubble of happiness has been bolstered by the ease with which the capos and our fathers accepted Giovanna taking over as boss. The anxiety that they would outright reject her was huge, but we underestimated their openness to change.
The next question was whether the Rossi capos would be satisfied with me securing their future by marrying her. Although a couple of old-school homophobes grumbled their displeasure, Giovanna and I won’t be becoming a hate-statistic any time soon. We are getting married in a fortnight.
Massimo drives me straight out to the warehouse from the hospital. As we pull into the usually all but deserted gravel car park, I’m surprised to see so many cars I recognise parked outside when we arrive. Including my Dad’s ostentatious Ferrari.
“Why are there so many people here? My parents?” I ask.
“This is a big deal, Ches,” he says quietly. “It is important that the capos are seen to be supportive of Giovanna’s actions.”
“Oh, I assumed this would just be us,” I whisper as he helps me out of the car.
“David is a Rossi. It’s a big deal,” he repeats.
We take the lift down to the basement of the warehouse. I’ve never been here before, but the warehouse itself looks very normal. I know that what we will find underneath it will be anything but.
Nausea caused by pain, medication, and the knowledge of what is about to go down, has me feeling weak and like I need to stay close to a receptacle to vomit in.
The thin layer of sweat coating my forehead and the back of my neck is cold and I shiver as we step out of the elevator. Massi gives me a small grim smile of encouragement and I grimace back at him, hoping that I make it through this without fainting or projectile spewing.
The space we walk into is large and sparse. Everything is concrete and bleak. It is utilitarian and exists to serve a purpose.
The capos are gathered in a cluster of pairs and small groups talking in hushed tones. Elio stands with them, making conversation, a firmly serious expression plastered on his face.
Giovanna is speaking off to the side with my Dad and her Dad, while Matty is in his own world, staring into a huge cabinet full of various tools of torture.
Beyond all of these groups and hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the concrete space is Uncle David. He doesn’t look particularly worse for wear seeing as he has been held in the basement for at least two days. He looks dirty, but other than that unharmed.
His eyes bulge when he sees me walk into the vast room, but the cloth gag in his mouth prevents him from speaking. He either didn’t know until now that I survived or has gathered that my being present doesn’t bode well for him.
Ignoring the increasing difficulty I am having staying upright, I stare right back at the man who thought he could get away with ruining my life, destroying my spirit, and attempting to kill me. He has not succeeded. I may be weakened and in pain, but I will stand and watch him take his last breath.
Giovanna’s eyes meet mine and her hard exterior softens for a split second. Given the circumstances, I shouldn’t be thinking about how good she looks, but I can’t help but appreciate her perfectly fitted suit.
Sandy always taught his kids that performance is very much part of leadership in the mafia. Our history is rich and bloody and now has tentacles all over the globe, and tradition plays a huge role in maintaining our social structures. Dressing the part is about dominance. It is about showing affluence, power, self-respect, and invoking fear.
Today her look is having the desired effect. Killing the brother of her Dad’sconsigliereand laying down a gauntlet should only be done in an Italian suit. Black suit, white shirt, top buttons undone. Her hair is pulled into a top knot, exposing a freshly shaved undercut.
She commands respect even before opening her mouth to speak. She has the energy of a boss and if every man in this room was honest, they know she is the best person to lead them.
She strides over to us and wraps me into a hug, tucking me under her chin. I inhale her delicious fresh scent. It is somehow the most comforting smell on earth and the sexiest. If no one else was here I would melt into her.
“You still want to do this?” She murmurs and I nod against her. “Okay, stay with Massi.”
Giovanna moves to stand roughly in front of the gathered men. Her brothers move to stand behind her, Massimo bringing me along with him.
Christ. How long am I going to need to stand here? I should have asked for a bloody seat.
“Killing this man is the first thing I will do as leader of thisFamiglia,” she states calmly pointing to David. “We are a family of honour and respect and I am not afraid to be the one to punish those who dishonour and disrespect us. About eight years ago, David Rossi raped his niece Francesca…”
I hold my head high even though everything in me wants to dip it and stare at the ground. All eyes in the room look at me, but I look straight ahead.
“I found out about his assault on Francesca about two years after it happened and I broke every single one of his fingers, gave him the hiding of his life, and told him to leave. He took off to Melbourne. But, when Stefan Rossi decided to start agitating and thought he was entitled to what ourFamigliabuilt, David saw his opportunity to get some revenge on us and Francesca. He is the one who shot Francesca in the back at the gym. Do we protect rapists? Do we turn a blind eye when one of our own is targeted? Not while I’m in charge. I will give David a chance to speak and then I will kill him for thisFamigliaand for my Francesca.”
The vibe in the room has shifted and there is now a sinister, simmering fury rippling among the men. Some make noises of agreement, others spit furious words at the hanging man.
I watch my father’s face. The man who should have been my first defender. He is furious, but it is me he is glaring at. He won’t raise an objection because he knows the crowd is not with him. But, I know that given the choice he would again spare his brother at the expense of his daughter.