But they still weren’t finished.

Umber mentioned wearing my pussy out, but I never tired. Overwhelmed as I was, I never begged them to stop. I wouldn’t. Too much time had been wasted already, and all for my foolish pride. For my fear of their dominance and possession over me.

But now that I was under their command and their hands were all over my body, soothing each rough touch with a gentle caress or a kiss, I couldn’t imagine giving myself to anyone else. I wouldn’t. They’d mastered me, and I’d be theirs for the rest of my days.

Zander, Umber, and Dex were finally spent after they’d each finished inside me a third time. The three of them lay in the grass, catching their breath while watching Kaiden ride me until his lust was sated. I held onto his hips as they pumped between my thighs, savoring the feel of his flexing muscles and the sound of our bodies colliding. It was filthy. Obscene. But I didn’t want him to stop. I wanted to be full of him. Wanted his skin on mine, the scent of him surrounding me. Kaiden moaned and thrust faster, spilling another release inside me. His whole body was trembling, slicked with sweat just like I was. I reached up, brushing his hair out of his face.


His eyes met mine, and they were soft and filled with so much adoration it took everything I had not to weep.

“I love you. All four of you.”

I was breathless and exhausted, part of me still so scared, but I had to say it. It was the truth. I wanted him to know.

The smile he gave me was breathtaking. Like the sun I knew would rise in a few hours. Kaiden bent and pressed his lips to mine, letting his weight rest against me. When the others moved closer, I reached out to touch them. Zander buried his hands in my hair while Dex and Umber each took a hand. Kaiden wrapped his arms around me as best he could and pressed me to his chest.

“As we love you, Aria. And we always will.”

The others murmured their agreement, and for the first time in years I allowed myself to settle into the feeling. To give myself over to the peace of it.

To let myself trust that it was real.

My eyes were heavy, but when I tried to sit up, Kaiden shook his head. He pulled out and lifted me into his arms like I was nothing, letting the others pull their clothes back on while he held me close. He passed me to Dex so he could dress, and I shivered in the night air until Umber wrapped his tunic around my naked body.

“Rest, Aria. We’ll bring you home to our bed. Where you belong,” Dex murmured, kissing my cheek when I wrapped my arms around him. The movement of his body soothed me, and before we were even out of the clearing, I was asleep. Safe in the arms of one of my masters.



There were birds chirping, and I was intermittently aware of light filtering through the curtain.

Despite these indicators that I should wake up, I dozed, lulled into sleep by the warmth that surrounded me. By the heady scents that lingered in the sheets covering my body.

Kaiden had his hand on my lower belly, his chest rising and falling slowly against my back. Dex was wrapped around my front, my head nestled in the crook of his arm, my cheek against his chest, his warm skin so close to mine.

I had vague memories of arriving back to the cabin last night. Umber washed me clean with a soft cloth, pressing soft kisses against my cheeks as he did. Then the four of them laid me in their bed and arranged themselves around me, ensuring they each were able to put a hand on my body. Though it seemed to be just us three right now.

But I didn’t have time to concern myself with where Umber and Zander might be. The moment I stirred, Kaiden’s hand slid down my belly and cupped between my legs. I drew in a quiet breath, fisting the sheets when he pulled me close and rolled me forward onto my stomach.

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your punishment, Aria.”

Kaiden’s voice was low and quiet, and when I turned back to look at him, he pressed his hand over my mouth. “Shhh, shhh. You can scream and fight me tonight if you wish, but right now, you’re going to be a good girl and keep that pretty mouth shut. You know you need this.”

When I raised my eyebrows he glared, his fingers digging into my hip so hard it ached.

“You need to learn that no matter how fast you run, or how many times you disobey our commands, we will always come for you. You need to trust that we’re going to care for you, protect you, and keep you even when it hurts. Especially when it hurts. You belong to us.”

My breathing quickened, and the defiant part of me flared to life. Kaiden must have felt my body tense because he secured his hand more firmly over my mouth, then knocked my legs wide with his knees. He fisted my hip again, but before I could thrash or do anything more than buck my hips slightly, he’d moved into position and shoved inside me.

I sucked in a breath at the feel of him. The fullness, the stretch of his cock. He was so big and heavy, and it ached slightly. Like he’d gotten bigger since last night.

But despite the ache I moaned into his palm, my eyes closing when he gave me a few slow thrusts. He felt so good inside me despite that slight ache. In fact, I craved it. I craved the feel of his stiff cock pounding inside me. Craved the feel of his seed filling me and trickling down my thighs.

“You’re so wet for me, Princess,” Kaiden purred, keeping his thrusts slow and gentle, such a contrast from the rough pounding he’d given me last night. “Your pussy already knows its master, but now we need to catch that pretty little head of yours up.”

I felt Kaiden’s hand slide up the back of my thigh, teasing the spanking as he pushed slowly in and out of me. When I moaned again, he seated himself deep, his pelvis flush against my ass. I shuddered, unable to move and rock myself on his cock due to the hand he had clapped on my mouth and the grip he had on my hip. When a small, breathy whine slipped out of me, muffled by his hand, he laughed softly and bent to kiss my ear.