“She’s in shock.”
He stood before me, his heavy hands on my biceps, and that square jaw that was normally clean shaven was covered in stubble. He looked like he hadn’t slept, so did Umber, whose normally braided back hair was a little messy. There were dark circles under their eyes, and I looked up at the four pairs staring at me, swallowing before I managed to work the words loose from my throat.
“They killed them.”
“I know.” Kaiden’s hands slid up and down my arms while the others huddled close. “Dex and Zander told us. There will be consequences, Aria. I promise. Once we deal with the threat, we’ll—”
“Not… Frayne. They killed him, but Hoval… Hoval said they killed a few of their own. On your king’s orders,” I said, lifting a hand to point at Kaiden’s chest. “They killed Kavari who were undermining him, and a few of their own.”
Kaiden narrowed his eyes before looking to the others, who wore similar looks of confusion. “Quade’s scribe was killed in this village during the riots. His body was found—”
“Beside the bodies of my parents,” I finished, watching their eyes widen. “My father’s throat was cut; my mother had been strangled. Your tribe blamed it on the Skepna.”
“Because Kavari don’t murder,” Dex said softly.
“No,” I snarled. “No, they just order it done by someone else.”
Kaiden’s eyes snapped to mine, and shame rippled across his face. Guilt fluttered in my stomach, but there wasn’t space for it, or time. I must have stood in silent shock for longer than I’d thought, because soldiers by the open gate parted to let the group of Elders stroll inside. They looked calm, conversing amongst themselves, but I could see Hoval at the front with Micah, sly smirks on their faces.
Kaiden’s hand slid around my hip, and Dex’s pressed to my shoulder when I moved, the pair of them holding me back when I made an attempt to move forward. We’ve killed our own. We’ve killed our own.
Maybe I’d always known it deep down, but the shock of it still left me breathless. Which was good; it left room for the rage building in my chest. Surging through my muscles, strengthening them. My thoughts turned murderous, and it wasn’t until Umber reached out and took my hand that I managed to focus on anything but the idea of vengeance.
“If they’re back, it means the Skepna are coming,” he said, and I wasn’t sure if he was speaking to me or to the others. “We have to get ready. We have to move people, arm them. The children should be taken—”
“The women’s barracks,” Kaiden said. “They can hide together there. Tell Ellis and Kaze to help warn them…”
The four of them stayed close as they issued commands, called people over, warned them of the incoming attack. Dex and Zander hadn’t been able to count all the Skepna. They said the number thirty a few times.
There were twenty men in Kaiden’s squadron, along with ten of the king’s men. An even match, but if they freed those soldiers they would risk themselves. Kavari were better warriors. Smarter, faster, more skilled. But the Skepna had brute force on their side. They could rip someone—even a Kavari—in half if they played the attack right.
Kaiden’s hand on my hip felt heavy, as did Dex’s hand against my shoulder, and Umber’s fingers felt thick when they threaded through mine. How long had it been since they’d held me? Just days. Two at the most. Why did it feel this way? I was still angry, so angry, that they had given my warnings no weight, but they were here now. Zander and Dex had gone into the woods to find me. I’d put an arrow to Zander’s chest and he’d suggested I let it loose.
Do it and spare us both the pain of another night apart.
I looked up to find him staring at me, his gaze heated. Kaiden was saying something about hiding the children in the barracks, who would guard them. My name was mentioned, but before I could turn to respond, Zander moved forward and slid his hands around my jaw, holding my gaze.
“Do you want us to die tonight?”
I didn’t even hesitate.
No, I didn’t want them to die tonight, not by my hands, or at the claws of these monsters. I didn’t want to spend another night in pain, aching for their touch while simultaneously fearing it. I didn’t want to lose yet another person that I’d come to—
I couldn’t say it. Not yet. Not that word that had caused me so much pain.
“Aria.” Kaiden’s voice was soft in my ear. “Help gather the children. Your friend Summer, Kaze, and Ellis will help. Keep the women who are scared in the barracks. Stay there. You’ll be safe.”
That hand on my hip slid around my waist, and he pulled me against his chest, burying his face in my hair. Umber squeezed my fingers, his face apologetic and pleading all at once. Dex moved in and pressed a kiss to my cheek, one I didn’t brush off.