Zander’s normally animated expression was stoic, but he took the breastplate in his hands regardless. “It… should,” was his reply before Indre nodded and took it back.
“Good. We’ll need all the help we can get. If she shoots like Kaiden says, we should have her up front with the others.” Indre rubbed a spot on the armor and smiled at Zander. “I’m eager to meet her. I’m glad you four found a woman with spirit.”
I wanted to smile. Indre would love Aria. Her devotion to those she loved, her fiery temper. I was sure she had visions of us riding to victory with Aria painted in Kavari colors fighting alongside us. I had visions of that, too.
I also had visions of failing her. Falling in battle and leaving her alone. I pictured Ryne taking her captive, placing her in a dungeon, whipping her like Rober had. It was a nightmare to think of him taking her. Brutally. Viciously. So unlike the balance of dominance and submission we had together.
The night when she’d submitted to us, she’d pulled my body against hers. Into hers. She’d flipped the scale of power between us, and as much as she’d been subdued, we’d also been under her spell.
If I lost that now…
If I lost her now…
There was a small hand on my back. Callused slender fingers and a soft palm. Aria moved beside me, giving me a confused look before she turned her gaze to Zander. He swallowed, hesitated, then introduced her to Indre. Our fellow warrior smiled broadly at her, as I knew she would.
But my chest was so tight I felt like I might be sick.
“You do look like a warrior, girl. No wonder the four of them wanted to claim you.”
Aria smiled, and Indre began asking her about all she’d learned. They chatted about Zander’s sparring lessons, about her learning to shoot with Frayne. Killing Skepna that night. Indre showed her the breastplate, and discussed other armor she could wear. Leather trousers for the ride up, styles of bows she could choose from. Indre fit the breastplate against Aria’s slender frame, and my stomach heaved. I turned to Zander, noting his normally tanned, golden skin was suddenly pale.
I knew I wasn’t the only one who looked at that breastplate like it was a sigil of doom. And when Zander’s eyes met mine, I knew he feared the same things I did.
Losing Aria after we’d just managed to get her in our arms.
“I’ll have one of our tailors knit you a heavy tunic you can wear under this. Light enough to let you move, but it will give your arms some protection.” Indre practically beamed at Aria while Zander and I looked on warily. “It will be good to have another woman to spar with, so long as your masters approve.”
Aria flashed her a sly grin even as she leaned into me. “I think they’ve learned I do things whether or not I have their approval.”
Indre laughed, and normally I’d have remarked something about smacking Aria’s ass for her cheek.
But I couldn’t stop picturing her under Ryne’s whip.
“Umber,” she said after Indre walked away, looking from me to Zander. “You’re both so… tense. What’s going on?”
I pulled her in front of me and set my hands on her waist. Her taut, softly curved, delicate-looking waist. There was muscle under the curves. Muscles in her arms, her legs, her back. She was strong and vibrant and full of spirit. My warrior girl.
But yet she felt so fragile in my hands.
“Summer and the others… they might need you to help set things up,” Zander said suddenly, glancing at me as though he was weighing his next words. “You could stay and help. Umber would stay with you.”
Aria’s eyes shot to mine, and she looked me up and down, her whole body tensing. “What is this?”
I shook my head, already reading her thoughts. “No one is leaving you behind, Princess. We’re only saying—”
“Don’t call me Princess right now. What’s going on?”
I pressed my lips together, glancing at Zander and hoping for his support. “What will happen once we get to Magilin. It won’t be like that night. It won’t be like hunting in the woods. It will be a battle with seasoned warriors.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Kaiden says you have support up there. That there are others waiting to join—”
“Ryne could have hamstringed them somehow,” Zander put in, that unnerving stoic expression still on his face. “We wouldn’t know. Kaiden hasn’t heard from his uncle in a fortnight. Neither has Quade, and we haven’t dared send any more letters.”
“Klev and Viggo are both staying here with their women and newborn sons. Ellis is staying to protect Summer. If you stayed, you could help keep them safe. And I’d be with you,” I said, pulling her close. “I would help keep you safe.”
Her narrowed eyes didn’t relax. “Do you want to stay?”