I tensed when his expression shifted, obeying an unspoken command to move aside. Zander threw his weapon before I had a chance to see where he was aiming, then pulled me against his body, wrapping a protective arm around my waist. I wanted to shove him because I could handle whatever it was, but I allowed myself the indulgence for once. The feeling of someone saving me instead of me saving myself.

A dangerous and stupid feeling to give in to, but I tucked myself against his body, and turned over my shoulder just in time to see a Skepna fall backward into the brush, Zander’s spear sticking out of its chest. His whole body was tense, and he did not relax even when I patted his chest softly.

“Better get that spear back,” I said. “If you want to save it.”

He gave me an assessing look, then stalked over to the beast to pull his weapon free. “So, you have killed them before. You know what their blood does.”

“I’ve killed a few. And yes, I learned quickly what their blood can do to you.”

I pulled the sleeve of my tunic back and showed him the scars on my arm, faint lines that looked like I’d been burned by liquid fire. Zander examined them, then leaned down and pressed his lips to the old injury. His kisses sent flashes of heat across my skin, and I yanked my arm back, scowling at the tension that throbbed between my legs. I was beginning to think my pussy had a mind of its own because as much as I tried to defy Zander and the others, that traitorous body part kept defying me by practically begging for them. Clenching with need over a simple kiss to my arm.

Get ahold of yourself, I thought. Remember what he is. A beast. A brute who wants to fuck you and fill you with cum so you can have their babies. Nothing more.

Zander continued to stroke the scarred skin, pressing another kiss to it and making me think it might be easier to believe that statement if he didn’t throw in these moments of sweetness with his debauchery.

“Ranged weapons are better,” he murmured after pulling back, head tilting when a small smile crossed my face.

“That’s why I started learning to use a bow.” I swallowed when he lifted his eyes, giving me a faint smile as he pulled the sleeve of my shirt down.

Gods, he was handsome when he wasn’t being filthy. Even with the scar on his face that made a few of the other girls look away when he passed. I lifted my hand, tracing the line of the raised red flesh. It ran from the corner of his eye all the way down his jaw, almost onto his neck. Zander studied me while I touched him, that small smile playing on his lips.

“What happened?” I asked before I could stop myself.

“I pissed off the king.”

I pressed my lips together. “Kaiden’s father.”

“He’s not Kaiden’s father. Ryne killed Kaiden’s father and took him when he was just a boy. Kaiden had no choice in the matter.”

I stared at Zander, my chest growing tight. “Why does anyone follow this man?”

“He took advantage of our fear and convinced us we needed to coalesce around one leader instead of sharing power amongst us all. Our tribe was at a tipping point. We were bordering on extinction if we didn’t come up with a plan. Ryne had a plan, and he simply got rid of anyone who stood against him. Kaiden’s fathers and his mother included.”

Zander let me touch his scar while I turned this over in my head, frowning slightly. “And that’s why you came to my village and enslaved—”

“Does your sister sound enslaved in her letters?” he interrupted, tilting his head into my palm, practically pushing my fingers into his hair.

“She could be writing them under duress. And you gave them to me to trick me into trusting the four of you.”

Zander smiled, and before I could stop him, he leaned in and kissed me soundly on the mouth. One of many kisses he’d given me over the last few days, and one I returned even though what was left of my sanity screamed for me not to.

“Aria, we don’t have to trick you into trusting us. You deny it, but you already do. I don’t for one second believe you’d come out into the forest unarmed if you didn’t trust me.”

I stiffened at this statement, because it was true. I could have brought my dagger, or one of the Skepna-made knives I’d picked up and stashed by the fence. But I didn’t even think about it. I knew if anything happened while I was out here, Zander would protect me. I’d never, not once, thought of this as an opportunity to do him harm, and that wasn’t because I’d surely be punished by his partners, who were devoted to him on a deeper level than just general soldier camaraderie. They loved each other.

And I knew what I would do to the person who hurt someone I loved. What I wanted to do to the beasts hurting someone I loved.

But as the days passed and more letters from Esme came, including ones where she told me of the baby in her belly, I doubted the stories I’d told myself since Esme had left. Maybe they weren’t hurting her. Maybe she was happy.

Maybe she was freer than I ever would be.

Zander kissed me again, one of his arms sliding around my waist so he could press me to his body. I let him, leaning into his strength as my thoughts consumed me. Could I be happy with these men? If I gave myself to them, could I have the sort of devotion Esme described?

Zander’s touch and the kiss he gave me were certainly filled with devotion. He held me close, his arm banded around my waist, hand fisted in my skirts. He shoved the spear into the dirt so he could cup my face with his free hand and moaned when my tongue slid against his. I let my body soften against his hard muscled chest, savoring the comfort his solid frame offered.

When he finally pulled back, I was breathless, both from the kiss and from where my thoughts were heading. Torn between wanting more affection, more kisses, and wanting to defy them. I could grab that spear and kill him, then run away. Steal his leather armor and his weapons and make a run for it into the distance. The village was fine now; they had it under control.

Instead, I let him squeeze me tighter and press his lips against my throat. The thought of harming him was almost as abhorrent as the thought of what he would do to me in a few days.