He could easily imagine his brothers’ disgust. He’d shown none of the discipline, cunning, or charm they possessed.
He’d act like the youngling she’d accused him of being.
He wasn’t sure what sickened him more. The way he’d let rage, jealousy and aggression rule him as he spewed hurtful things at her. Or that he’d let himself get into this position.
He shut the storage door behind him.
He should have run when Scarlett suggested it. He’d let pride and ego allow him to risk the most important thing in his life.
That would never happen again.
He needed to trust her—and stop letting his bullshit about coming from nothing and needing to prove he could be something get in their way.
All he’d proven that he was an idiot.
Tonight, he’d fix things with her. Sit down and apologize, and promise he would control himself from here on out. Then he’d ask her what she wanted.
If running was what she preferred, he’d do it gladly.
He didn’t need the rep or the glory or even the money, though the latter would have been nice.
But without Scarlett, none of it mattered.
He and his brothers would find some way to meet their goals. It wasn’t as if they weren’t used to being in the hot seat. Hells, they worked best under pressure. They’d figure out some other way to get into the Brotherhood or they’d blow the whole damned crime organization to smithereens.
Whatever it took.
Because having Scarlett with him and keeping her safe was most important.
From now on, ego was out the door. Pride too.
His omega came first.
That was being a real Alpha. The kind of male his brothers—and he—could be proud of.
He’d been such a stupid fuck, but even a bruiser with more brawn than smarts could learn.
And maybe he was young and still a little volatile—his Alpha aggression not entirely under his control yet—but he’d figure out how to leash it and fast.
He wanted to be an Alpha who not only brought pleasure and a smile to Scarlett’s face, but who she could rely on. Who would be her shelter and her protector in every scenario, not just when it fit with his needs and wants.
He’d been such an arrogant Alphahole, but he was—
A blurred fist swung at his head so fast, there was no time to duck.
Lights out.
* * *
Kadon Stormhart had leftinstructions for the guards to wait outside, so Scarlett entered his quarters alone—and stopped short.
“Kadon sent me in his stead.”
Stormhart was a good male.
“I’m glad.” She hurried to her brother, taking his hand and squeezing tight. “How are you holding up?”