Scarlett hurrieddown the hall toward Kadon Stormhart’s quarters, security on either side of her, her heart slamming against her ribs.
The look on Damien’s face when security led her from the crystal cage… her stomach twisted.
She’d never seen such rage.
But he wouldn’t be stupid, she told herself. He was the one who’d reminded her there was only a rotation left.
They could do this.
But she needed a moment, and the timing was perfect. “I-I need to use the washroom.”
Nars frowned. “Orders are to take you straight to Stormhart’s quarters.”
“They’re right here.” She tilted her head toward the closest door. “I need to go. I won’t be able to dance otherwise.”
His scowl deepened, but he didn’t touch her. He hadn’t since that time in her sleeping quarters. She took great satisfaction from that.
She hurried inside and shut the door.
It did not surprise her when the storage door at the back of the washing room flew open, and Damien barreled through, ripping his scent mask from his face.
He’d made it his business to learn every nook and cranny of the underground tunnels—and he’d told her about this one should she ever need to meet him urgently.
She was fairly certain this constituted such an emergency.
“You’re not going.”
She hurried to him, clutching his arm. “Keep your voice down.”
He snarled. At her.
“He’s not putting his hands on you.”
“He won’t.”
“You’re right. Because I am going to tear them from his fucking body.”
“Damien, please. Stormhart is not your enemy.”
“You’re defending him?”
She held onto her temper. “Egan is the one trying to rile you. He… he knows you care about me and he’s trying to use it against you. Don’t let him. Neither of us can allow our emotions to rule. Not now. We have to lock them down.”
He growled low. “I’m not like you. I don’t know how to smile so fucking pretty and say I’m fine when I’m not.”
Another verbal blow. She hadn’t expected it from him. It was so unlike the male she knew—and the invisible tether that stretched between them vibrated with a black rage she’d never sensed in him before.
“Damien, please. Calm down.”
He shook off her hold. “Don’t tell me what to do. I’m a grown Alpha male.”
Black flashed across her skin. “Then act like it.”
His head snapped back, eyes narrowing. “There it is again. You have a problem with my age.”
“I do right now. In fact, I have a problem with everything spewing from your mouth. You need to gain control and start acting smart.”