She only hoped it would last.
Rotation four of the tournament…
Damien stared down at Scarlett, watching the rise and fall of her chest, the soft colors playing across her skin as she dreamed.
It was fucking official. He was a total creeper. And totally gone for this omega.
He’d never realized before she came into his life, but he had a serious fixation with taking care of his omega. Hearing her make those soft, sweet sounds, seeing the trust in her gaze as he pushed her limits and made her cry out his name, satisfied something deep inside him.
After so much time breaking bones and doling out pain, it was pure fucking joy to hold something so delicate and beautiful in his hands and bring pleasure instead.
He planned to spend the rest of his life doing exactly that—once he won the tournament.
His palm trailed along the curve of her shoulder. “Time to wake up, gorgeous.” He hated to do it, but he had to get her back to her room before the guards changed and someone less bribable went on shift.
She woke slowly, a dreamy smile on her face. “Damien?”
“Right here.” He tucked a strand of red-streaked hair behind her ear. “Sorry, beautiful, but I need to get to the mats early. This is the last round before the main event. I want to make sure I’m limbered up and ready to go.”
She sat up fast. “Of course.” In the next heartbeat, she was up and pulling on her sleeping gown, her movements absent of their usual grace.
Stepping in front of her, he tipped her chin to meet his stare. “Just a little longer, beautiful, and we’ll never have to leave each other again.”
“Right.” That same forced smile was back.
“You okay?”
Without warning, she threw herself against him, her arms squeezing him tight. “Let’s not wait. Let’s run now. “
He stiffened. “Run? Skolovs don’t run.”
“But every rotation we stay is a risk.”
He wrapped his arms around her. “But we can’t turn tail now. If we tough it out for one more rotation, I’m going to win this and have it all.”
She stiffened, and he internally cursed his fumbling. He’d gotten the words all wrong. He was just on edge; the stakes had never been higher. And sometimes… sometimes it was starting to feel like he really was just a too-cocky, eighteen-planetary-rotation youngling who had no idea how the galaxy really worked.
But fuck that.
Scarlett was counting on him.
He had this.
Cupping her face in his hands, he tried again. “What I mean to say is, this money is for us, so I can take care of you and our family forever. The reputation is so I can ensure I’m big and bad enough that everyone we care for will be safe. Best of all, winning legitimately will mean we won’t have to be hunted from one end of the galaxy to the other by the consortium, fearing they’ll take you from me.” His fingers traced the delicate lines of her cheekbones. “We can live with my family for good—and your brother can visit whenever he likes. You’ll be mine by right. And I’ll be yours.”
She relaxed against him. “That will be nice.”
“It will be perfect.”
“Okay.” She nodded in his hold and forced one of those smiles he was coming to hate. “There’s just a single rotation, right? We’ve got this.”
“Yes.” He cleared his throat, and did what he’d never done before, what a fighter was never supposed to do. He showed her his weak spot. “I need you to believe in me, Scarlett. I need it more than anything.”
She stared up at him, her solemn stare suggesting she truly understood the significance of his words. “I do, Damien. I always will.”
The last of his doubts floated away. “Good. Now, tell me what you need from me, Scarlett. Tell me what I can say to make you feel as good as you’ve made me feel.”