Her gaze bounced from one area to the next, the purr she only made when he was near vibrating through her.
In one corner, he’d arranged two chairs. She was pretty sure she’d seen trainers sitting in similar ones in the arena earlier. Between the chairs was a stack of crates covered by a thin, emerald green blanket. A make-shift table. A candle and platter of food rested on top.
In another section was a mattress on the floor, with several colorful blankets stretched across it.
“Damien, I… I can’t believe you did all this.” Her voice shook. “It’s… incredible.”
No one had ever done anything like this for her before.
And it wasn’t just the sweetness of the room itself.
She’d never realized how easily she’d accepted the crumbs the consortium gave her, how passively she allowed them to keep her prisoner. But Damien had taken from them—raiding their supplies—and made something special for her. She’d focused so much on escaping the dome, she’d failed to see all the small ways she could push back and be free even here.
He was opening her eyes to a multitude of ways to fight back. There was a whole city, bequeathed to her by her mother’s kind, that she’d never dared explore.
It was yet another gift—and no matter what happened next, she’d always have it.
“I’m glad you like it.” Damien’s arms banded around her, the steady heat of him seeping into her as he drew her against him. “I wanted to give you a place that could be just yours. Away from the consortium. Where you could be free to let your colors loose.”
With those words, she tumbled head over heels into love.
Wild, reckless, foolish, beautiful love.
There was no part of her now that didn’t breathe and move and exist for this male—and she always would.
“It’s perfect.” She covered the big hands gripping her hips with her own. “And best of all, it’s not just mine. It’s ours.”
“Mmmm.” His jaw nuzzled her temple while the bulge in his leathers prodded the small of her back. “I thought of you all rotation. Of coming here. Of all the things we could do together… in our secret hideaway. No need to be quiet. Few use the tunnels and I picked a sanctuary in the deepest part of the old city—and set a few traps to let me know long in advance if anyone does accidentally come our way. So, until we hear those, there’s no need to worry about anyone finding us here. It’s just you and me—and all our secret fantasies.”
Need whispered through her, her body heating as her nipples went tight.
“I have so many.” She rocked back against him, her arms reaching behind her to grip his thighs and hold him to her. “You’re in trouble now—and that youthful endurance you’re so proud of. I only hope it’s going to be enough.”
He chuckled low and deep. “You know I like a challenge.”
“Then let’s get started.” Spinning in his hold, she pushed once more against his chest and broke free, stepping back and crooking her finger his way. “I have so many plans.”
But really, she wanted to know what he wanted. To touch him everywhere, kiss away every bruise, and hold his cock in her hands and watch him come apart under her tongue.
Because he’d made her come more times than she could count, but he’d refused to let her touch him. Or even take off his leathers.
She appreciated his thoughtfulness. She was, frankly, awed by his discipline, but enough was enough.
Her top fantasy? Watch the muscles in his body strain, the veins on his thick forearms and thighs flexing, as his legs shook, and her mouth bobbed up and down his shaft—until he poured his cum down her throat, his cock going deep.
And before they left this room, that was what she’d have.
Crimson and violet, turquoise and emerald green, smoky silver and vibrant orange splashed across the walls, a perfect portrait of all the need, tenderness, love, and filthy determination swirling inside her.
“I know exactly where to start.” She reached for the laces of his leathers, folding toward the ground.
“Soon. But first…” He caught her before her knees hit, swooping her up without warning. One arm under her legs, one at her back, he carried her toward the chairs. “I’ve plans of my own.”
* * *
The edginess runningthrough Damien’s veins settled slightly as he held Scarlett in his arms, striding toward the make-shift table made from “borrowed” crates he’d snatched from kitchens near the fighting arena.
He’d been on edge all rotation.