“Don’t worry, I’ll warn Damien. He’ll be careful and we’ll be fine.” She could only hope her words proved true, but speaking with Luc had only reaffirmed her conviction that making it work with Damien was what she wanted, no matter the risk. “This is better for all of us. Kadon didn’t want me to be his prime omega and, deep down, that is not what you wanted for me, either. Damien is going to win. I believe in him.”
“I told you before. He is not the Alpha for me.”
“Fine. I understand. I do. But Damien Skolov is young and volatile and, you know as well as I, that the consortium plays by its own rules. You… you may think you can take them on. Hells, high on love, it can feel like anything is possible. But it isn’t.” His voice broke. “Sometimes as bad as you want something, it just can’t be.”
His pain arrowed through her. “Oh, Luc. Has something happened?”
“Nothing for you to worry about.” He turned away and headed toward the window, his shoulders tense as he stared at the lights of the dome. “It’s just… too risky. We’ve called things off. Again.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s for the better.”
Was it? After meeting Damien, she couldn’t imagine a world where she didn’t get to be with him forever.
It was too cruel and dark to contemplate.
And she hated for her brother to suffer that fate.
“Things could change.”
He laughed, but there was no humor in it. “Not for the better.”
“I refuse to believe that.”
He turned to face her, deep edges at the corners of eyes so like her own, his expression grim. “Hope is dangerous for those like us.”
“Not this time,” she assured him. “This time, the consortium will not win.”
Where was he?
Scarlett paced the length of the room.
Her guards had left her arms free this night and the door unlocked—thanks to a bribe from Damien, she was sure—and getting to their secret room had never been easier.
Still, she didn’t like being here without him. And now it was way past the time they’d agreed to meet.
He was the one who’d begged her to come. She knew without a doubt, he wasn’t standing her up.
Which meant something had gone wrong.
Her bold words to her brother echoed through her mind, this time bringing dread.
This time, the consortium will not win.
She was right, wasn’t she? Damien would win and they would be together forever. It would all work out.
So where was he?
She paced to the other wall, her stomach churning.
He’d promised her he’d be here, and Damien never lied.
The door creaked open.