»And am I supposed to believe that?« Elliot snorted. »When we were together at Uncle Toni’s house, had you already... were you already...?« I nodded and Elliot groaned, rolling his eyes. »God, Bri! You’ve also lied to Mom and Dad!«
»I know, and I’m sorry for that too. Things between Wesley and me happened so quickly that I couldn’t keep up. At first, I felt like I was taking away your best friend, but then it became somehow...« I searched for the right word. »Real. Serious. And it felt like Wesley could be an addition to our family.« God, the words that slipped out naturally came from deep within my heart and offered me the answers I had been seeking on their own. I reached for Elliot’s hand. »You’re just having a shitty time right now. The thing with the team will sort itself out and maybe Lara will come back too! You just have to handle it properly and can’t sink into the pain! Come on, enough self-pity, we’ll make you Elliot ›the Beast‹ Sullivan again!« I tugged at his hand, but he only grumbled and didn’t move an inch.
»Things between you and Wesley,« he began and I held my breath. »Is it still something serious?«
»I don’t know,« I answered honestly. »I quit and haven’t seen or spoken to him since your visit.«
»Bri, that’s even shittier than the secrecy.«
»I know.« I buried my face in my hands. »I don’t even know what I’m doing. I don’t recognize myself.«
Elliot sat up and gently pulled my hands away so I had to look at him.
»I was jealous.« He sighed. »You two always had some connection that I couldn’t compete with. As if I hadn’t noticed. And now... No one from the team has even contacted me. When Wes came back, it felt like I had control of at least one thing again, like I was at a point where everything had been good.«
»Elli, you pushed everyone away, only you have the power to make it better. Wesley is your friend, but he’s not responsible for your being in this state.«
»Neither are you,« he confirmed. »Maybe it’s time for me too to find myself? To finally live? I’m hiding at Mom and Dad’s and you behind your workaholism, you’ve always been like this, you little nerd.«
I gifted him a sad smile. »And now?« I asked quietly.
Elliot sighed. »Now it’s time for us to reclaim our lives.«
Ihad made up my mind against it. Against fleeing like a coward, as I always did when something became too serious in my life. I had screwed up and needed to face my mistakes. At least I had to try to apologize to Elliot before I could worry about what I would do next.
Because to call Brianna a mistake was more than wrong. Brianna was the most right thing that had ever happened to me, and I had to stand by it. Regardless of whether she would want me after that or not. She at least had to know how I felt inside.
My phone rang, and I paused. I was standing in the middle of the Sullivans‹ driveway and was about to walk to the house, but when I saw the number on the display, my heart performed some somersaults.
»Bri?« I asked hoarsely.
»Wesley!« She sounded relieved, as if she hadn’t expected me to answer. Just hearing her voice made me breathe a sigh of relief. »Can we talk? In person?«
I took another step toward the front door, Elliot would likely be here. Where else could he be? »Of course we can,« I answered.
»Can we meet in an hour in the foyer of your hotel?« She sounded breathless, as if she were running.
»I should be able to make that.« My finger hesitated in front of the bell.
»And Wesley?«
»I’m sorry that I just disappeared like that. I...«
Suddenly the door opened. Bri stood there, holding her phone in her hand, her gaze as surprised as I felt.
»Wesley?« A small smile stole its way onto her beautiful lips. At the same time, we both lowered our phones.
»You’re here,« I cleverly stated.
»I talked things out with Elliot.«
»That was also my plan,« I replied, running my hand through my hair. It felt so good to see her.