Trying to act the next day as if nothing had happened didn’t work. She was too dazzling, and merely the sight of her had diverted me from my intent. The thought of her possibly being with another man someday had been unbearable. She was mine, for as long as we both wanted to maintain what was between us.
We just couldn’t mix business and personal, which was going to be incredibly challenging. Keeping my hands off her at the office would demand a lot from me. And if it came out that the company’s new boss had involved himself with an employee within the first month, trouble was certainly in the forecast. But we were both professionals, we could handle it.
Even if all my thoughts were circling around her in that tight skirt, while she was tantalizingly close outside my office door, and I was slowly but surely losing my mind. I shifted my weight on the office chair, my tie felt far too tight around my neck.
There was a knock at the door and I looked up from my paperwork. »Come in.«
Bri opened, walked in, and closed the door behind her. I desperately needed to work on seeing her with two eyes. One eye saw my assistant, who was off-limits, and the other for Bri. My Bri. Who I craved more than anything else, as soon as I heard her voice or caught a glimpse of her.
»I’ve received the documents from Mr. Reagan’s assistant and need your signature, Mr. Crush,« she said, approaching me. The walk to my desk through the vast office was too long, as it provided me with ample time to admire her graceful stride in those extremely high heels. She knew exactly the effect she had on me, as she circled the desk and stood next to me. I took the documents and placed them in front of me on the table. As I skimmed the lines that would make me the new owner of Grand Fountains, I couldn’t focus on the written content for a second.
»Have you checked this clause?« I asked. Bri leaned down and rested her hand on the tabletop beside me. As her soft, feminine scent wafted over to me, my mind went into overdrive. Bri on my desk. Bri pressed against the wall. Bri half-naked in front of the office window. Damn it.
I had imposed the restriction on myself not to touch her here. To keep our affair outside the office.
But I was just a man, who became weak instantly in her presence.
She read through the lines. When I reached out and gently touched the back of her knee, she briefly gasped for air. However, she showed nothing outwardly and acted as if my wandering fingers didn’t venture under her skirt. I felt her warm, smooth skin and realized how much I had missed her these past few days since our trip.
»You mean the clause that refers to the legal use of the building?« she queried in a businesslike tone. My fingers traveled up her inner thigh, but not too far, gently stroking her skin, which rose into goosebumps. Her hands, which lay next to the contract on the table, clenched into fists. There was the reaction I had been hoping for.
»Ask Reagan what that’s doing in there,« I said tersely, lightly touching the fabric of her panties for the first time. She was wet. »Have you been imagining the same thing all day as I have, Miss Sullivan?« I asked quietly. She turned her head and finally looked at me. I could see her answer in her wild gaze. »I missed you,« I confessed, continuing to caress her. She tried to keep her eyelids open, but the feeling I gifted her was too exquisite.
»I’ve missed your hands, Mr. Crush,« she sighed. I had to grin. Naughty girl.
But before I could delve deeper into what was between us, there was another knock at the door. Damn, I had completely forgotten the meeting with Elizabeth, the head of our marketing department. I brushed over the heated fabric of Bri’s panties one last time before I said, »Come in.«
The door opened as Bri hastily gathered the documents, I withdrew my hand from under her skirt, and reclined in my chair. »I’ll address this promptly, Mr. Crush,« Bri quickly responded.
Elizabeth entered, holding a thick folder in front of her. »Should I give you a few more minutes?« she asked, her eyes darting between Bri and me.
I shook my head, stood up, and buttoned my jacket. A few minutes wouldn’t suffice. »No, we can discuss the new marketing plan now. Thank you, Miss Sullivan, please close the door behind you.«
As Bri exited my office and I gestured to the seating area for Elizabeth to sit, there was only one thing I desired. For this damned day to pass quickly. Because that moment had been too fleeting. What would have happened if I had given in to my feelings and Bri was on my desk when someone else walked in? I realized that I could never put us in such a situation again. Never. Again.
You’ve got to be kidding me!
Wesley had parked in front of my parents‹ house and was sauntering towards our driveway. He wore jeans and a white shirt that, in an outrageously appealing way, emphasized his divine torso, broad shoulders, and chiseled chest. I despised him for it. And for ignoring me in the days following our near indiscretion in his office. In his hands, he carried a small travel bag, packed with clothes for the entire weekend. Elliot ran towards him, and the two greeted each other with a manly embrace. »Wes! It’s really awesome you could make it and pry yourself away from work for once.« Elliot and he approached me. I pretended not to care that he was there too, continuing towards the trunk where I intended to stow my small carry-on suitcase.
Mom and Dad came out of the house, just as thrilled as Elliot that Wesley was joining us. Was I the only one who had a problem with this? Not because I was nursing my bruised pride after the silent treatment of the past few days, but rather because I knew it would backfire if we spent such a long time in close quarters. Under no circumstances could Elliot get the slightest inkling of what had transpired between Wesley and me in Las Vegas. And that we had struggled ever since to keep our hands off each other. »Hi,« I suddenly heard his gruff voice. Elliot was squabbling with my Dad in front of the car over who was to drive, while my Mom was packing the remaining food into the cooler bag between the front seats.
»Is this necessary?« I whispered, turning to him. He could very well save his breathtaking smirk. He leaned a bit forward, placing his travel bag in the trunk. In doing so, he came uncomfortably close to me.
»What do you mean?« he asked just as softly.
»I thought it was a joke that you were coming along.«
»Elliot asked me, and I couldn’t find a reason to say no.« He lightly touched my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine and playing slightly. »Plus, I get to be closer to you for the next few days.«
I snorted. »You could have done that the past few days just as well. Safely,« I hissed.
»Ah, so that’s the wind’s direction. You’re angry because I kept my distance.«
»Nonsense.« I withdrew my fingers from him and crossed my arms over my chest. »Don’t worry, I’m not under the impression that we’re in a relationship and have to see each other every day. It’s not about the distance.«