Wesley and Elliot laughed heartily and floated next to me in the water. »Well, sis, was the ride so intense that it blew off your panties?«
»Screw you, Elliot!« I reached for the fabric, but Wesley was faster. Fortunately, not much could be seen through the water surface, but I couldn’t possibly climb back onto the fun tube like this, and we were swimming in the middle of the lake. How was I supposed to get out of the water at the shore?
»Give it to me,« I growled. Wesley’s grin got wider.
»What do I get for it?«
»A slap if you don’t hand it over!« I retorted, only making the other two laugh louder. I felt again as if we were silly teenagers again. At least the two of them. My head was burning with embarrassment.
»Can we continue?« Steve slowly drove his boat next to us and adjusted his baseball cap.
»Sure, anytime!« Elliot giggled and hoisted himself onto the inflatable seat. »Are you coming?«
Wesley hesitated. With wide eyes, I watched as he suddenly took off his swimming shorts and handed them to me. »Here,« he still grinned. »We’ll catch up!« he called to Elliot, who just shrugged. He would have let me swim back naked and wouldn’t have brought me anything to put on at the shore. Damn older brothers. Steve hit the gas and the boat started moving. I slipped into the wide shorts and tightened the elastic band, tied a bow to hold it in place, which wasn’t so easy with the life jackets.
»Thank you.« I held back my laughter. »And what are you going to do now?«
»I have no problem with my nudity.«
»In front of Veronika and my mom?«
His eyes widened as if he hadn’t thought of that yet, and I had to giggle. Steve and Elliot were getting further and further away from us, while we were still drifting in the middle of the lake, not having moved from the spot. »There are other things we could be doing under the water surface right now.«
I raised a warning eyebrow. »Watch it. My brother is somewhere around here.«
»He’s too busy with other things to look after us.« Wesley paddled a little closer, I felt his fingers on the bow of the swim shorts. It was an endless back and forth. To do or not to do? To give in or to stay sensible? To burn or to surrender to the heat?
»Don’t do it,« my lips whispered. Do it, whispered my racing heart.
He sighed, increased the distance between us and briefly closed his eyes. »I’m sorry, I just can’t control myself around you. Distance. Stay good. Friends. Got it.« He nodded back to the shore. »Shall we swim back? And would you bring me a towel then?«
»We’ll see. Maybe I’ll give my aunt and mom the view too.«
»So you’re saying it’s worth it?«
»Come on, stop fishing for compliments, you know what you look like.«
We started swimming, and I heard Wesley’s soft laughter next to me. »Then let’s give the two of them a show they won’t forget anytime soon.«
»Good Lord,« I sighed. »Better not, Toni has no problem showing youhisrifle.«
»Wow!« Wesley laughed out loud. »That was a good one, Bri!«
Why couldn’t I stop grinning around Wesley lately? At least around the Wesley swimming next to me now. The other one made me sweat more than laugh.
Today had been all about the 4th of July. For dinner, my mom and Veronika had baked a strawberry pie in the shape of the American flag. After dinner, we sat together until it got dark, and now we women were waiting at the edge of the porch, while the men, like little kids brimming with anticipation, had set off the fireworks. At precisely ten o’clock, numerous colorful explosions reflected on the smooth surface of the lake. The view was genuinely fantastic. Every so often, Wesley would glance at me. I wrapped my arms more tightly around my body. Even though it had been hot all day, I felt a chill. If we were together, I would have walked over to him and snuggled into his arms as the fireworks reached their climax. But that was an image that would never come to pass. Too much stood against it. He had made it clear that he wanted me, but this only encompassed the physical aspect. I couldn’t imagine that a relationship between us could truly work, aside from the fact that neither he nor I was seeking one. I was content with the way things were. Contrary to my mom’s opinion, I was perfectly capable of being happy without a man by my side. I defined myself through my job, and that was precisely the problem. With Wesley as my boss, I could never truly be free.
After the fireworks, Toni had set up a fire pit on the lawn, around which we armed ourselves with marshmallows. Wesley sat across from me, Elliot next to him. He emptied another beer can, and the uneasy feeling in my stomach grew. Elliot was quite tiresome when sober, and since his suspension, he had completely lost his way. Had he learned nothing at all? Alcohol definitely amplified his condition, but I held out hope that Wesley would keep him in check.
I turned my gaze away and looked up at the starry sky. Through the haze of the fireworks, it was hard to spot any stars, but one knew deep down that they would always be there, whether visible or not.
My mom beside me yawned. »Why don’t you go to bed?« I suggested with a smile.
She pulled her blanket closer and stood up. »I think I will. Good night, everyone!«
»Hold on, I’m coming with you, darling,« my dad said and also rose. He took her in his arms, and they giggled their way towards the stairs leading up into the house. Of course, my parents had had their ups and downs too, but the beautiful memories clearly outweighed. That they were still happy together now was undoubtedly a significant part of hard work. I had no idea if I would ever find someone for whom this work would be worth it. I was twenty-six, and even though my mom was already pregnant with Elliot by that time, those were completely different times. I didn’t feel any pressure to worry about such things yet.