»Go on.«
»I have a bucket list, and I could cross off at least four items here. If you help me experience two, I’ll help you with two from your list.«
»I don’t have a bucket list,« I answered, amused.
She placed a hand over her heart. »You... you don’t have a bucket list? How do you decide whether to do things or not?«
»I ask myself if they have a benefit for me. It’s simple.«
»A benefit? So having fun doesn’t count, right?«
She took a big sip, seemingly needing a moment to compose herself. »Having fun hasn’t been a priority recently, that’s correct.«
»Where’s the old Wesley, who used to play pointless video games in my brother’s basement for hours?«
»I guess he got lost after my move.«
»Let’s find him tonight, then.« She extended her graceful hand towards me. »Deal?«
I took her fingers in mine. »Deal.«
»Are you sure you don’t want to change first?«
»Absolutely,« I replied. Wesley and I strolled through the streets to our first stop: the roller coaster at the New York-New York Hotel. My steps quickened as our destination loomed into view. »Or perhaps you’re trying to dodge it and buy time?« I teased, my grin wide.
»What makes you think that?« he retorted, his shoulders stiffening perceptibly. We paused before the entrance.
»You can still change your mind.« I stepped closer to him. His gaze fixed on me, and I couldn’t help but smirk. »If you’re scared,« I whispered.
»Never,« he responded in the same hushed tone.
»Good. Feel free to scream and cling to me if it gets too wild.« I marched confidently towards the entrance. Wesley was quick to join me, purchasing two tickets before we climbed aboard. My heart pounded, throbbing against my throat, but I would never admit that to him. As the roller coaster started and picked up speed, I found myself the one shrieking out loud. Wesley was all smiles, relaxed and carefree, and just for that, this ride was worth it. It had been a long time since I had seen him like this, if ever.
I raised my hands to the sky and as the roller coaster completed a corkscrew, I squeezed my eyes shut and clung to Wesley’s forearm. I buried my face in the fabric of his jacket, inhaling the scent that clung to him, and wished the ride could go on forever. Far away from all standards or rules, far away from our past, the present or the future. Only the two of us mattered, and that was an intoxicating sensation.
Not just Wesley, but I too hadn’t truly lived. Isabelle was right when she accused me of working all the time, even when I was Mr. Simmons’s assistant. Maybe I was trying to prove to myself and everyone else that there was more to me than the pudgy, bespectacled little girl of yesteryears.
But near Wesley, I felt beautiful, desirable, accepted, and secure. Just for this one night, I wanted to experience these feelings without guilt, and hold onto them as long as it was risk-free.
The ride ended too soon. Wesley bought a photo at the checkout, which captured me screaming while he looked at me grinning.
»Of course, you look like a supermodel, even with wind-swept hair on a roller coaster.« I rolled my eyes, and Wesley laughed deeply and loudly. My grin seemed to be permanently etched on my face.
»Don’t worry, you look more stunning,« he said. »And I definitely need a copy.«
I let the photo slip into my bag. »Let’s see how the night goes. Onto the next station!«
I looped my arm through his. »Please don’t tell me it involves Elvis and a chapel.«
I pouted and stuck out my lower lip. »What’s wrong with Elvis?«
»Nothing, if he isn’t marrying off some poor, crazy drunkards.«
»Oh, so that’s not your dream wedding? Shame, we may never see eye to eye then.«