Page 97 of Twisted Alliance


Shivay was in the home office talking on a call with his brothers.

“It is quite odd that all the heirs died around the same time,” said Nakul.

“Well, it wasn’t exactly at the same time. There were a few years in between. But yes, it is very odd.”

Shivay looked at the investigative reports that documented the details of each death.

“Unless it was planned that way to pass it off as a curse.”

There was silence at his statement.

“But who could possibly plan it?” Nakul asked. “None of the prominent clans seem to be prospering more than the Thakvars. And Dad was here in San Francisco when his brother and sister died in a car accident.”

“Yes, but Dad already had the premonition of something being terribly wrong,” Rishab added. “That’s why he faked his death to keep us safe and return to Singoor province.”

Shivay knew his father wanted to keep his family safe from clan violence. But there was also another reason his father had kept his family away.

“Dad didn’t want us to be embroiled in clan politics,” he said. “He knew if he brought us to Singoor, the people would immediately want the Thakvar heirs to be used for alliances so they could break the curse by commissioning another goddess statue.”

There was silence.

“Bro, as much as Dad’s and your sacrifice is heartfeltly appreciated, you must allow us to form alliances with the other clans,” Nakul stated.

“Yes. I don't see any other way. And besides, we found out about the heiresses from the Bhil and Kanwar clans. They are both meek and pliable and won’t say no to the alliances. We’ll ensure the women lead comfortable lives once the idol is commissioned and peace is restored.”

Shivay knew his brothers were right. Although the clan meetings were going well, there was apprehension among the clans about the curse. They now had the image of the goddess statue, which meant the statue could be commissioned after forming the three alliances, allaying the fears among the people.

“Let’s give it some time,” Shivay said. “We might find the missing statue.”

The investigation was ongoing at a rapid pace by several teams in and around the Singoor area as well as across the world. The teams now had a proper image to track.

“All right. I’ll talk to you both later. Call me if you need anything.”

“Goodnight, bro.”

Ending the call, Shivay got up from his office chair.

As he headed downstairs, his mind went over the call. His brothers were right. They were running out of time to make a decision about the alliances.

If the original statue wasn’t found soon, his brothers would have to marry the heiresses from the other prominent clans to form similar alliances such as his. The three of them could then commission the goddess statue to place it in the temple where the original one had been. It would be a simpler path to restore peace and alleviate the concerns of the curse among the clans.

Shivay’s brothers could form alliances with women who would be their temporary wives.

But your alliance turned out to be something different.

Shivay knew his feelings towards his alliance and wife were not that simple.

His heart already thumped in anticipation of touching and claiming his wife that night. He craved to hear her gasping out his name when he was deep inside her.

He thought of it as a dark obsession, a madness, but he knew it was something more. Because he also craved to see her smile and laugh out of joy.

Reaching downstairs, he pushed open the door to the bedroom suite and entered the room. It was way past midnight and later than usual. He could see that she had fallen asleep. He went to the bed and in the soft lighting, he saw her beautiful face. Unable to help himself, he brushed the back of his fingers against her soft cheek.

He always wanted to touch her and hold her. Whenever they were apart, he felt a part of him remained with her, craving and obsessing to get back to her.

“Being without her feels like a certain death.”