Ishani was shocked Shivay knew of her presence even though she was standing away from their view. Knowing she couldn’t leave without him noticing, she pulled her veil over her face and slowly stepped into the room.
She saw that Rishab’s arm was in a cast, and there was a cut on his forehead with stitches.
She turned to look at Shivay and saw that he was angry. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes were intense.
“How are you doing, Rishab,” she asked. “I just came to know about the accident.”
Even though she was speaking to Rishab, her eyes honed in on her husband’s dark look. Unlike the cold, distant expression he usually had towards her, she could sense he was angry with her.
“I’m fine, Ishani,” Rishab’s friendly voice replied.
Dragging her eyes away from Shivay’s, she looked at Rishab. “What happened?” she asked.
Before Rishab could respond, Shivay answered. “He was attacked in the desert.”
She held her breath.Does he think I am behind the attack?
Just as that thought passed through her mind, her stomach sank. He still doubted her.
Would he ever trust her?
“I feel like a fool,” Rishab said. “I should have expected an attack since you warned me. But I was distracted… by a woman.”
Ishani sensed anger in Rishab when he said the last part.
“The women in this land are equally dangerous,” Shivay said in a harsh tone. “They can’t be trusted.”
Anger and hurt filled her.
How can he touch me and desire me when he doesn’t even trust me? I hate him!
Pushing away her feelings, she focused on the matter at hand. “What did they wear? The people who attacked you?” she asked.
Rishab frowned. “I didn’t notice much about the others. But the woman I was distracted by was riding a horse along with the others. She wore a flowing blue dress and jewelry shaped like a snake. She also had black dots on her forehead and around her eyes, similar to the women in the Thakvar clan.”
Ishani immediately knew who they were. “They are from the Bhil clan,” she said. “They ride horses and wear snake jewelry as a way to show respect to God Shiva.”
Rishab frowned. “Bhils?” He must have realized something because he looked at his brother. “Fuck. Isn’t that one of the other prominent clans we might have to make an alliance with?”
Shivay didn’t say anything.
Ishani was shocked and looked from her husband to his brother.
“We’ll talk about this later,” Shivay told Rishab. “Get some rest as you have a long journey soon.” He then paused. “Are you sure you can travel?”
Rishab shook his head. “I’m fine. It’s not like I’m flying commercial. It’s a private jet, and I can lie down in the cabin if I want. And I’ll rest more when I get home. Ma will ensure that.”
Shivay and his brothers lived with their mother in America. She recalled their sister was studying at a university. Was Mihir Thakvar going to meet his wife and daughter?
Everyone in the household knew Mihir Thakvar was going on a two-month trip to America, but the exact details were not given to anyone. Based on what Mihir Thakvar said to his son earlier, their home might be in a place called San Francisco in America.
“Get some rest,” Shivay told his brother. “I’ll talk to you later.”
Shivay got up to walk to her. She felt his fingers wrapping around her arm before he pulled her out of the room like she was a naughty child who couldn’t be trusted. He was silent as he led her up the stairs to their suite.
When they had privacy behind a closed door, he looked at her. “I know you heard what was said by my father.” He leaned closer. “If the information leaks out somehow that my father is in San Francisco, I’ll know who is responsible.”
Rai Bahadur had been in the room next to Shivay’s father, which meant Shivay trusted the older man but not her. Anger burst inside her, and she pulled her arm away from him.