“Damn you,” he growled.
She felt him grip the back of her neck before his mouth captured hers in a hard, punishing kiss. At the same time, his hand slipped under her long dress and she felt his calloused fingers moving up the side of her thigh.
A shocked gasp escaped her.
His kiss continued to be rough and passionate, but the touch of his hand below trembled her stomach. Just when his hand moved closer to the apex of her thighs, she gasped and tried to close her thighs. But he stood between her legs, widening them further. With her thighs spread apart, she clung to him as he touched her in between her legs.
The sensations overwhelmed her. The heat of his dizzying kiss and the calloused tip of his finger against the most intimate part of her sent shock and electricity coursing through her body. His finger circled a spot within the intimate folds below, causing her to shiver with wet heat.
Within moments, she felt something build like a wave, a spiral of pleasure erupting from deep inside. Helpless cries escaped her throat, not knowing what was coming.
Soon, she exploded.
She cried out against his mouth as every part of her body shattered into a million pieces, and heat and pleasure barreled through her. She clung to him while the storm inside her crashed in peaks.
It was so intense that when it ended, it left her drained and limp.
The sound of his harsh breaths filled the air. A moment later, he pulled away from her abruptly, leaving her lips and her intimate core throbbing. She slowly opened her eyes, and her dazed and limp body jolted when she saw his darkly handsome face tightened in fury.
His hands fisted at his sides before he walked away without another word.
Shocked and still dazed, she tried to process what happened.
She was supposed to seduce her husband, but instead, she ended up being seduced by him. She now craved his wicked touch.
Oh God.
For the next three days, Ishani avoided her husband again.
After spending yet another restless night, she woke up late. She went about her day and stayed in the garden until she was called inside for urgent phone call.
“Your mother had another episode this morning, madam. Even Devraj sir is not here.”
Ishani’s stomach dropped, listening to her mother’s nurse. She knew what such episodes entailed. Her mother hadn’t had one in many months.
“Please give her the phone,” Ishani said. “I’ll try to talk to her.”
“She is resting now, madam. I just gave her medication to relax.”
Ishani hated the medications that were given to her mother. They made her drowsy and incoherent. But according to the doctors, if those medications weren’t taken in a timely manner, a manic episode could result in her mother hurting herself or others.
“She has been asking for you, madam. She wanted to know why you aren’t here at the Gujjar mansion.”
Ishani knew her mother most likely did not remember the wedding. Ishani’s brother ensured her mother was heavily medicated so she didn’t interrupt the ceremony.
“Can you…” Ishani’s voice broke. “Can you please tell Ma I’ll visit her soon?”
“Sure, madam,” the nurse replied softly.
Ishani ended the call feeling anxious. She wanted to see her mother, but she knew it wasn’t possible. According to tradition, she would only be allowed to go to her childhood home after six months of marriage.
Hoping she could get her father-in-law’s permission and knowing he would agree, she went in search of him. She checked the accounting room and the visitor’s room but couldn’t find him anywhere. Just when she thought of looking for Rai Bahadur, she came across his wife, Malathi.
“Malathi, have you seen Papa?”
“Mr. Thakvar and Bahadur went out. They should be back this evening.”