Page 40 of Twisted Alliance

The boy smiled. “Thank you, Ishani madam.”

His eyes fell on her camel before looking at her curiously. “That’s a Thakvar camel,” he remarked, recognizing the Thakvar clan insignia on the seating.

She nodded. Since Chotu lived in the city and only came to deliver her things every three months, he probably hadn’t heard of the alliance.

“Yes, I live at the Thakvar mansion now. I got married to… the Thakvar heir.”

“Oh.” The boy’s eyes widened. “Then you won’t need my services anymore, madam. The Thakvars can get everything you want. In fact, I can deliver it to the Thakvar mansion too.” He held out her ring. “You should take this back. Last time’s payment covered this delivery as well.”

“No, keep it because—” she broke off when she heard something.

It was getting louder and sounded strange. It didn’t sound like a vehicle.

“A helicopter,” the boy remarked.


Her voice was drowned out by the loud whirring noise, and she had to shield her eyes as the sand blew around them.

She couldn’t see clearly, but something huge landed at a distance from the sky. When the sound stopped, she turned, only to gasp aloud in shock and horror.

It was her devil husband.

She stepped back, clutching the cloth bag to her chest while he approached her. The look on his face made her shrink inwardly. Although he wore sunglasses, the clench of his jaw indicated his anger.

“Come with me… now.” His words made her jerk and take another step back.

“I-I will come back on my own,” she said.

His eyes fell on the camel and then on Chotu, watching them with confusion.

“Do you know how to ride a camel?” Shivay Thakvar asked Chotu.

The boy nodded. “Yes, sir. I do.”

“Bring the camel to the Thakvar mansion. You can take a rest there tonight, and I’ll have someone drop you back in the morning to your vehicle.”

Chotu nodded. “Okay, sir.”

Ishani opened her mouth to protest but fell quiet when she met her husband’s dark gaze.

She felt his fingers wrapping around her arm before he dragged her towards the helicopter.

“Get in,” he ordered.

Holding the cloth bag in front of her, she got in. She didn’t recognize the two men inside, but she sat in one of the empty seats. A minute later, Shivay Thakvar came in and sat in the seat next to her.

Her stomach dropped when the helicopter flew up in the air. Although she knew what a helicopter was, she had never seen or been on one. She would have been excited or enjoyed the ride if her devil husband wasn’t next to her.

The ride was very short, and she could barely sit still when the helicopter landed and had to transfer into a jeep that took them towards the Thakvar mansion.

What is he going to do?

Shivay Thakvar didn’t speak or address her during the short journey.

How did he know I was gone? And where to find me?

She didn’t dare ask him those questions yet.