Ishani was dressed that day in simpler clothes. She wore what she normally wore at the Gujjar mansion. The light-yellow dress enabled her to move freely, and the light jewelry didn’t make much sound while she walked.
She had told the group of women who helped her get ready that she wouldn’t be needing their services that day. The fact that Shivay Thakvar had left early that morning helped because she didn’t need their protection from her scary husband.
Not that the women would ever go against him. In fact, it was quite the opposite.
Each morning, the women sang praises of the Thakvar heir working fearlessly and tirelessly to build alliances with various clans. Ishani was repeatedly told how lucky and blessed she was to have a handsome and loving husband like him.
The women mistook Shivay Thakvar’s dark looks directed at her to be loving glances. And she was sure he was building alliances only to access and steal the crude oil from Singoor.
He is a ruthless fraud! And he hates me!
She had wanted to shout those words several times during the last three weeks since she had arrived at the Thakvar mansion as his bride.
But she had kept quiet because no one would believe her, and she didn’t have proof.
After her unsuccessful attempt to obtain his hair sample, she became a prisoner in her marital bed. Each night, she slept while being trapped under his heavy muscled arm. She could barely move or complain. And even if she managed to slip away with difficulty, she was once again dragged back with a growled warning and held against his hard body. It was only after a few days that her tired mind and body learned to fall asleep despite the constant threat.
He was torturing her.
Stop torturing me! And do what you want and be done with it now!
She wanted to yell those words at him many times, but she held back. She was terrified he would do just as she said. He would either beat or violate her or do both.
So, she kept her mouth shut and endured his torture.
Unfortunately, there was nothing else she could do until it was proven he wasn’t the Thakvar heir and that he intended to begin oil drilling in the middle of the Singoor desert.
It was hard to prove either. She had looked through the combs and inside the shower area in the bathroom, but nothing held his hair sample. She wished he didn’t have thick, healthy hair and instead had considerable hair fall to leave her with DNA samples.
The possibility of getting blood samples from used cotton bandages was also gone since his injuries were healing fast, and most likely a doctor had attended to them.
All she could do was hope her brother was finding a way to prove Shivay Thakvar was a ruthless fraud.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, she placed the water bottle and box of biscuits into a handbag. Then taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the suite.
She looked around her surreptitiously. The corridor was empty since the cleaning was already done that morning. Keeping her head down, she took the corner stairway rather than the one in the middle of the mansion.
She went downstairs and slipped out the back entrance.
She knew she was not supposed to leave the Thakvar mansion without security, but that day, she needed to go out by herself. She was used to sneaking out even at her home for similar reasons, and her brother never found out that she did that once every three months for an important task.
She looked around and saw quite a few people outside, but all of them were busy either talking or doing their tasks. Hoping no one would pay her any attention, she headed to the side of the mansion.
There were several SUVs and jeeps parked, but she walked further towards the stables.
Camels were the best mode of transportation to places where there were no roads. The place she was going to would take twice the amount of time to drive in a vehicle than going on a camel.
Unlike the small stable area at the Gujjar mansion, the stables were vast at the Thakvar mansion.
She approached one of the stalls. All the animals appeared to be in good health. Although there was no brand on their skin to identify the clan, she saw the ones prepared for a ride had red and yellow-colored seating with the Thakvar clan insignia.
She chose the nearest one. The camel appeared gentle, and she also noticed his name was written on the seating.
“Hi, Champa,” she greeted, rubbing down the camel’s nose gently. “I hope you will enjoy the ride we are going to take.”
She sat on the camel and held the reins before leading it out of the stable. She had explored the mansion and the area outside enough to know there was a side entrance that vendors and staff used.
She went towards it and looked at the guards at the tall gates.