“How is Ishani Gujjar?”
Shivay dragged his eyes away from his wife and focused on the phone call with Nakul.
“She’s fine,” he replied.
“Hmm…” There was a chuckle. “You know Rishab and I realized that each time one of us asks you about your wife, you always say she’s fine. I’m sure she is more than just that.”
Yes, she is a maddeningly innocent, devious temptress I can’t stop desiring.
“She’s part of the alliance, that’s all,” he replied.
“Ah, I see. So, you are still on with the plan to set her up with a house in the city of her choice and a chunk of cash and investments once the marriage ends?”
“Hmm… let’s just hope the clan talks are successful soon. Then you won’t be stuck in an alliance marriage, and the poor woman will be free to lead her life as she wishes and maybe marry for love.”
Dark anger blazed through him at the thought of Ishani Gujjar marrying another man. It was irrational since he did intend to set her free from the marriage once things fell into place, but the possibility of her marrying someone hadn’t crossed his mind.
“So, when are the first alliance talks being planned?” Nakul asked.
“In seven or eight weeks,” he replied. “I’ll be reaching out to the clan heads personally.”
He gave the details about the ongoing talks with some of the clans. He had met with a few of the village heads. The others were deeper in the desert, and he planned to meet them in the coming weeks. Unless all the clan heirs came together and decided on a common peace understanding, the purpose of the alliance wouldn’t be achieved.
“Are you sure you don’t want Rishab and me to join you for the talks?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
He hadn’t told Rishab and Nakul about the extent of danger the clan wars posed. If they had the slightest clue that he was attacked on his wedding night, they would land in Singoor the next morning.
“I need you both there,” he reiterated.
“All right, fine.”
Shivay spoke for a few more minutes before ending the call. He stood on the balcony until much later, looking towards the garden.
Ishani Gujjar was gone from the garden. She was probably inside the mansion, playing the bin musical instrument in the prayer room, or reading a book in the library, or maybe chatting with his father inside the accounting room. He knew she wouldn’t come into their bedroom suite until much later when she felt she had no other choice.
She didn’t have a choice. It was something she brought on herself by betraying him and losing his trust.
His mind once again went back to the thought of her marrying someone else once he set her free. He shouldn’t care what she did once he left her. But he did.
Maybe because she still owes me.
He was yet to exact proper payment for her betrayal and other devious things she had planned against him.
She owed him. And until she paid the price, he wouldn’t let her go.
“Would you like anything else, madam?”
Ishani smiled at the maid. “No, this water bottle and box of biscuits are enough.”
The maid looked at her curiously before leaving the suite.