Ishani smiled. “Yes, he is wonderful, Ma.”
She didn’t mention that her father-in-law was away on a trip visiting his wife and children in San Francisco. Shivay didn’t want her to let anyone know.
“How is your husband?” Ishani’s mother asked. “How come you never talk about him?”
She didn’t talk about Shivay Thakvar to her mother because she didn’t know what to tell her about him.
It was hard to describe Shivay Thakvar or their stormy, passionate marriage. Ishani couldn’t tell her mother how she used to fear him but broke apart in his arms each night. She couldn’t tell her that he was commanding as a leader and as a person, and that she reveled in that dominant nature when he made love to her. She couldn’t tell her that he seemed cold and reserved most of the time, but some of his considerate gestures melted her heart.
“He is a good leader to the Thakvars, Ma. And he’s busy with the clans.”
There was a laugh. “I hope he’s not too busy because I want to become a grandmother soon. And I want a lot of grandchildren.”
Ishani’s cheeks heated. “Ma!”
Ishani’s mother laughed again. “Well, based on how strong and virile he looks and how he couldn’t take his eyes off you during your visit, I’m hoping I will become a grandmother before the year is over.”
Oh God.
Ishani’s face burned even as she laughed. “Ma, stop it! You are embarrassing me!”
There was a chuckle. Ishani was embarrassed, but she smiled.
“I’m going to the Gujjar temple tomorrow morning,” her mother said. “I’m praying for grandchildren and also… that the curse doesn’t touch this or future generations of heirs.”
Ishani’s heart jerked. She knew her mother was talking about the curse that was said to be put on the heirs of the prominent clans for not protecting the statue of Goddess Shakti from being stolen.
Ishani’s mother believed that Ishwar Gujjar was bitten by a snake because of that curse.
Ishani didn’t believe in curses, but she knew how deeply ingrained the myths were in the minds of people living in Singoor. And all the heirs of the prominent clans dying within years of the statue being stolen didn’t stop the myth from being believed as the truth.
“All right, take care, my child. I need to get started on the sweets.”
“Okay, Ma. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
Ishani ended the phone call with a smile and then got up to resume stacking the books she had purchased.
The feeling of happiness remained in her heart after witnessing her mother’s health improving significantly. Ishani was determined to have her mother visit the Thakvar mansion. She knew her mother wouldn’t come on her own, so Ishani would go and bring her.
She hoped she could go the coming week. She would have to inform Shivay and let him know.
She had to tell him because she knew he was careful about her security. She had to take security even during the short visits to the Thakvar school and hospital. And going to Gujjar province was a much longer journey, and she would have to pass through the desert which was still deemed unsafe without the necessary precautions.
Will he come with me?
She knew he would, for her safety as well as for another reason. Her cheeks heated recalling how they had become accustomed to sleeping in each other's arms each night. No matter how late it was, he always came home to their bed.
Her cheeks heated even more recalling her mother’s words.
“I want to become a grandmother soon.”
Based on the frequency of Shivay’s heated lovemaking, her mother’s wishes could easily come true if she wasn’t taking the necessary precautions.
She had been taking the contraceptive pills since their wedding night. At first, she had taken it because she was horrified about being impregnated by a ruthless fraud claiming to be the Thakvar heir. But later, when she found out the truth, she continued taking the pills as she didn’t want to fall pregnant without giving her husband a choice or discussing it with him. He knew she took them because she kept the pills in the bathroom in the medicine cabinet. He had also seen her take them each morning.
Will he be happy if I fall pregnant sometime in the future?
She wasn’t sure of his feelings. But strangely, the thought of falling pregnant with Shivay Thakvar’s child didn’t terrify her. Somewhere deep inside her heart, she craved it.