Page 117 of Better Together

“Someone took my son. We’re at Grady’s Feed and Seed. She tried to take my daughter, but we can’t find my son.”

“What is your name?”

“Remi Walker.” She panted as her legs pushed harder. Almost to the door, and still no sign of Ben.

“Is your daughter safe?”


“Does she need medical assistance?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

“I’m putting the police department on the line. Please don’t hang up.”

“Okay.” Remi skidded to a stop at the door. She turned left and right before running outside. No sign of anyone. There were a few cars parked in the side lot, but no sign of movement.

“Miss Walker, I have Officer Keller on the line.”

“I’m at Grady’s. How soon can you get here? I think my son was taken!” She ran back into the store, looking left and right. Her mouth was dry, and the edges of her vision started to blur.

“Remi? I’m on my way. Sit tight.”

The familiar voice tugged her into the present. “Dawson?” She went to church with Dawson Keller, and having a friend on the line brought a small kindling of hope.

“Asa is with me. He’s setting up roadblocks. Don’t worry. We’ll find him.”

Tears rushed down her cheeks in an instant. “Thank you.” Her words were ragged and hoarse. She quickly brushed the back of her arm over her face as she ran through the store.

“How many abductors were there?”

“Probably two. A woman tried to take Abby, but I don’t know about Ben yet.”

Remi had run all the way back to Grady and Abby with no sign of Ben. She laid a hand on Abby’s back and bent at the waist. What little breakfast she had left was about to make a reappearance.

“Stay on the line with me. We’re about two minutes out. Paramedics are on their way.”

“Thank you.” She gasped for air, unsure if the words were an appreciation or a prayer.

She looked up at Abby, who still clung to Grady. Pulling the sucker from her mouth, she offered it to Remi. “Are you okay? Do you want some of my sucker?”

Abby had no idea what was going on, and thankfully, that was partially because she was unharmed. Had Ben fared as well?

“No, thank you, baby. I need to find your brother.”

A woman who worked at the feed and seed ran up and handed a bottle of water to Remi. “Are you okay?”

Remi took the water and drank. “I’m fine. Where is Colt?”

The woman pointed toward the warehouse. “He just ran out into the parking lot.”

“Thanks. Grady–”

“Go. We’re fine here.” He still had a firm hold on Abby, who seemed pleased with the attention.

“I’ll be back soon.” She held onto the bottle of water and ran toward the warehouse. Ben had to be okay. She couldn’t comprehend anything else. They couldn’t lose him.

The sun blinded her as she jogged into the parking lot, and the exploding sound of a gunshot stopped her in her tracks. Time stood still as the gray edges of her vision drowned out the daylight.