Page 45 of For You

He’d timed it perfectly. Her knees swayed and she felther head grow light, as if it were swimming away. And at that, Morgan fell andfaded away herself, feeling as if the darkness of the mines had swallowed herup.


He looked down at her body, motionless but stillbreathing on the chamber floor. She was quite pretty but he could tell she washollow inside. Something about her was missing. He knew she’d been locked awayfrom the world for a decade…the result of a very messy situation pertaining tothe fourth victim.

He recalled what she’d looked like ten years ago. She’dbeen so fast, so determined…a worthwhile opponent. But based on what he’d seenthis last couple of days, most of that was gone now. All that was left was rageand a muted sort of obsession.

But in all honesty, that was good. It would make whatneeded to happen next even more poetic.

She and her partner had known this entire time that he wasworking to fulfill testaments of the Seven Signs. But what they had likelymissed was there was one last sign…one that would ensure the coming of themessiah.

That final sign wasn’t so much a sign as it was asacrifice. In the same way Christ had died upon the cross for the sake of allmankind, someone else would have to die to usher in the coming of the messiah.

And the last name of the woman at his feet just seemedlike a delicious little irony. And once she was dead, the messiah would indeedcome back. No matter how often he thought back to when he’d started his work,Samson could not recall the exact moment he knew that Morgan Cross was going tohave her part to play in this.

He felt it was after he’d enacted the Second Sign. He’dwatched the police and feds come and go through the window of a diner at theend of the same block he’d taken the life. Morgan had caught his attentionright away and, though he knew it would be foolish, he’d followed her for awhile after that. He’d studied her movements, her daily routines. He’d watchedher come and go with her partner, watched how diligently she had pursued thecase, how badly she’d wanted to find him.

He had chosen her for the last kill because he respectedher. And also, saving the strongest sacrifice for last seemed more pleasing.

He knew this. He felt it. He could recall with perfectclarity when this message had first come to him—when he’d been called to enactthe Seven Signs and summon the messiah forward.

He had been in a similar situation, standing over thebody of a woman he had just killed. But instead of feeling guilt or remorse, hehad felt a sudden clarity. He knew what he had to do. He knew that he was meantto bring about the end of the world and the beginning of a new age.

The first victim had felt…well, it had felt likepractice. And in the moment immediately following that woman’s death, he’d known.He’d known it was only the beginning…that much more death was to come. And thatit was all for good reason.

And now, standing in this small chamber with Morgan Crossat his feet, he knew that he was one step closer to fulfilling his purpose.

He leaned down to Morgan, studying her face. She wasstill unconscious, but he knew that wouldn’t last long. He needed to hurry. Hereached into his pocket and pulled out the same knife that had taken the lives offour of the eleven. Without hesitation, he made a small incision on Morgan’sleft wrist, letting the blood drip onto the floor.

She let out a little yelp and moved her head slightly.She was starting to come to, her breath more regular, her head still tilting.

He muttered a quick prayer and stood up, looking at theceiling. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement. The messiah wascoming, and he would be the one to bring him forth.

He could not kill her yet. Her blood on the floor was justthe start. He’d needed to incapacitate her for that. But she would need to beaware of her death. She would need to know why she was being offered up forthis final act to work.

“Agent Cross,” he muttered into the dimly lit chamber, “wakeup. It’s time to do your part.”

She muttered something, but he wasn’t sure what it was.

He was quite anxious for her to open her eyes…and notjust to bring his work to a close. But he had one thing to tell her, an answerhe hoped might make her more willing to play the part he’d reserved for her.

He thought that she was ready to sacrifice herself, deepdown. After all, she’d willingly come back to this place. Surely, after havingdiscovered it earlier in the day, she’d know the significance and importance ofit. She knew what this place was, and she had come to him.

Yes, deep down, she was ready and willing. Soon, she’dsee what she’d truly spent those ten years waiting for.

Smiling in the dark, the man who called himself Samsonsat patiently beside the stirring body of Morgan Cross and waited.


When she came to, there was a paralyzing moment whenMorgan was certain she was still in prison. She was still in her cell, she wasstill locked away from the world, and the chase for Samson and the reunion withDerik over the last two days had been nothing more than a fanciful dream. KimmyByers would be waiting for her in the cafeteria, wanting to share one of herinsane theories on world religions.

But no…somewhere off near the corners of herconsciousness, she knew she was not in prison. She had a faint idea of whereshe was…an idea that grew more resolute with every moment she drew closer tobecoming awake and aware.

Samson had been here. He’d surprised her from behind, hadattacked her and…

And then what?

She knew all she had to do was open her eyes to find out.But the darkness and the sort of in-between place she inhabited was nice. Thereal world was on one side of the veil, and a dark and malleable place was onthe other side.