Page 42 of For You

“Knock yourself out,” Morgan said, turning her back andheading for the door.

Back out in the hallway, Mueller was waiting. When Morganrealized Derik wasn’t quite ready to leave Christopher Newman just yet, sheclosed the door.Maybe, she thought,he’s going to start fishing foralibis.

“Well?” Mueller said.

“I’m almost positive he’s not our killer.”

“How do you know?”

“Because his cult and the leanings of our killer…thebelief systems don’t line up. I think once we get alibis and I check a fewthings from Leonard Seabry’s residence, we’ll know for sure.”

Mueller placed his hands on his hips and sighed deeply. “Sowhat happens now? If this man isn’t our killer and nothing checks out at Seabry’splace, what’s your next step?”

She felt like he was quizzing her. She felt that if shegave a wrong response, he’d try pulling her from the case again.

“I’m not sure yet. But…the more I think about it, themore I’m not so sure this latest victim means he’s done.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Call it a hunch.”

“I can’t go on that. Morgan, look…I’m going to speakcandidly, okay?”


“I do still feel you’re the best agent for this. I canonly imagine how much time you spent thinking about it for the past ten years.But I also know that ten years away from this job is a lifetime. I know you’rerusty. I know your instincts aren’t as sharp as they used to be. And some ofthat is…well, some of that is my fault. I know I didn’t do enough to keep youout.”

“I’m not trying to assign blame,” she said. This was true…now.But she’d spent about her first year or so behind bars doing just that.

“Well, I mention all of that to say that my gut istelling me to trust you on this. If you don’t think this guy is our killer, I’mgood with that. But his alibis have to be very solid. And what was it youwanted to check at Seabry’s?”

“Footage from the doorbell camera. It’ll rule this guyout…name is Christopher Newman, by the way.”

Mueller nodded, seemingly satisfied with the direction. “Alright.I’ll get started on getting Newman’s alibis and checking out Seabry’s place.You and Derik keep doing what you’re doing. Speaking of…do you think Derik isfit to work? That blow to the head…”

She thought of how Derik’s call to Mueller earlier hadsmoothed things over. She had to reciprocate.

“I think it was bothering him at first, but he seems finenow. I think he’s feeling like me. There’s just…this overwhelming feeling thatwe’re at the end, but it’s not over. We’re just waiting for…”

She stopped there, her mind locking down on that oneword.


This entire time, they’d been searching for the SevenSigns Killer, thinking he was enacting these signs in order to bring about the endof the world…to pave the way for the return of a messiah.

His work was done. Now all he had left to do was wait.And if he’d done all of his killing here, in the Dallas–Fort Worth area, hecertainly wouldn’t leave. No, he’d stay nearby. He’d want to herald in themessiah.

But how? Where?

And in that moment, she thought she knew. It might be a longshot, but it felt right.

She opened the door to the interrogation room and lookedat Derik. He was speaking to Christopher Newman, working on the man’s alibis.

“AD Mueller has volunteered to work on the alibis,” shesaid. And then, with a sting of pity, she added: “And I think you need to stay herewith him. I saw you staggering back at the Black Star building.”

Derik frowned, clearly knowing she was right. He ran ahand along the bandage on his head as if to make sure it was still there. “ButI’m supposed to keep an eye on you, remember?”

“Well, what if I promise to be very careful and to playby the rules?”