Page 40 of For You


There was an overwhelming sense of tension when Morganand Derik entered the field office. As she and Derik escorted the leader of theOrder of the Black Star through the main floor’s back corridor to theinterrogation rooms, Morgan knew it was only a matter of time before AD Muellerwould show up. And rightfully so; she’d had a bit of a temper tantrum, andDerik had suffered a blow to the head.

Also, there was a chance that a case ten years in themaking was coming to a close…that the killer of eleven people was currently undertheir roof.

As it turned out, they didn’t have to wait for Mueller. Heand Assistant Director Yen were standing at the entrance to the hallway thatheld the interrogation rooms.

“This is him?” Mueller asked as they approached the doorto the first interrogation room.

“Could be,” Morgan said. “We need to question him, of course.”

Mueller then turned his attention to Derik and cringed abit. “Jesus, Greene. Are you okay?”

“Been better.”

It wasn’t until Morgan opened the door and led the leaderinside that she realized Mueller fully intended to go in as well. She handedthe leader off to Derik and then turned to Mueller. In a voice barely above awhisper, she said, “Can I speak with you outside?”

“Quickly,” he said.

They walked back out into the hallway, where Yen stillwaited. Mueller leaned against the wall and looked expectantly at Morgan.Apparently, he knew what was coming and wasn’t going to make this easy.

“I’m sorry I hung up on you earlier,” she said. “If youwant the full truth, yeah…maybe it was a mistake for me to jump back on this sosoon. But you have to let me see this through. I’ve waited for ten years…”

“I know you did. And I should have let that be the mostimportant thing. But when that next victim popped up just days before yourrelease…we all freaked out. It became abundantly clear that you had nothing todo with…well, with what we thought you did all those years ago. And we wantedthe case wrapped before the media got their hooks into it.” He nodded to thedoor to the interrogation room and added: “And it seems like we may have donethat. The deaths will hit the news, sure, but the fact that we have the bastardalready certainly helps.”

“So we’re good?”

“Yes. I do think once this is a wrap, you need to takesome time to get acclimated to your life again. If you’ll accept my apology forjumping the gun, I’ll gladly accept yours.”

“Agreed…if you’ll let me and Derik wrap this. If this isour guy, I don’t want him swamped with too many agents. If it’s him, I think he’lltalk easily enough if it’s just me.”

Mueller considered it for a moment and then nodded. “Fine.Go on in and see what you can get from him. But I want updates as soon ashumanly possible.”

“Sounds good,” Morgan said. She gave a little nod ofappreciation and then entered the interrogation room again.

The leader, whom she was now trying her best to think ofas Samson, was sitting behind the gleaming, fake-wood desk. His hands werestill cuffed as he looked up at Morgan and Derik with a great deal of patience.

“Do you know why we brought you in here?” she asked,hoping to break the ice.

The man nodded. “I have an idea.”

“Would you be willing to tell us why you think we broughtyou in here?”

“You seemed interested in the Seven Signs. I assume ithas something to do with the murders.”

She sat on this for a while, looking at Derik. She didn’twant to reveal too much because if this was indeed Samson, it would take awaymany of the traps she could verbally set for him during the rest of theinterrogation.

“That’s correct,” she said. “What’s your name?”

The man chuckled, looking at her as if she were an idiot.“You mean to tell me that you arrested me without even knowing my name?”


The man thought about this for a moment and ended up notanswering at all. “Tell me what you know about the Seven Signs,” he saidinstead.


“Fine, then. Tell me…do you really think a mortal man cankill people in order to bring about the return of a messiah?”