Page 38 of For You

But before the moment could get any more tense, the soundof a door opening caught everyone’s attention. Everyone turned to the back ofthe room, where another robed figure entered through a darkened doorway. Hisrobe was not black like everyone else’s but a dark shade of red, nearly maroon.He carried a single candle, which he brought to the group. Those who hadcreated a circle parted a bit to allow him room.

He placed the candle on the floor, in the center of thegroup, and then the circle closed in again. Morgan had to remind herself thatshe was trying to play a part and did her best to stay in the circle. Derikseemed a bit more aware of the part he was supposed to be playing and joined itwithout any hesitancy.

The man in the red robe—the leader, Morgan assumed—steppedto the top portion of the circle. It was a position that nearly set him andMorgan up to be directly across from one another. He scanned the circle ofpeople and as his eyes found Morgan, she tilted her head downward a bit.

Seconds later, the red-robed man spoke. His voice wassultry, soothing, and quite deep.

“Greetings, members of theOrder of the Black Star,” he said. “Today we will, as always, commune and talkof things both sacred and holy. We will speak of community and of the SevenSigns.”

Those last two words grabbed Morgan so fiercely that shealmost completely missed what came next—a comment that caused her heart to sinkand a spike of fear to tear right through it.

“First, however, we must deal with the reckoners amongus,” he said. “False tongues and snakes, make yourselves known or I will call youout.”

And when Morgan looked back at him, she was not at allsurprised to see that the red-robed man was looking directly at her and Derik.


No one spoke, but every set of eyes in the room was now onMorgan and Derik. Morgan hated the feeling; it wasn’t too dissimilar to beingoutside on a sweaty day and feeling gnats swarming her skin.

Morgan did not see the point in feigning ignorance. Allof the members were looking at them, after all. And she figured if they couldgo ahead and address them logically, this whole ordeal may turn out easier thanshe’d hoped.

“We’re not reckoners, and we certainly aren’t snakes,”Morgan said. “We are here because we’ve heard of your Order and were curious.”She figured she’d wait to reveal who they truly were when they were completely outof options. No sense in causing unnecessary panic.

“She’s right,” Derik said. “We just had no idea how to goabout being invited.”

“You aren’t invited into the Order of the Black Star,”the leader said. “You are recruited.”

“How?” Morgan asked.

“If you don’t know, you have no business here.”

“You mentioned the Seven Signs,” Morgan said, ignoringhis little jab. “Can you tell us how your Order approaches that?”

“No.” It was a simple response without anger or urgency.

“Can you tell us what the Order of the Black Starbelieves?”

The leader arched an eyebrow at Morgan’s question, hisgaze piercing through her. “That is something only those of us in the Orderknow,” he said. “It is not for outsiders to understand.”

Morgan could feel her frustration growing, but shemanaged to keep her demeanor calm. “I understand,” she said. “But we’regenuinely interested in learning more about your beliefs. Is there anything youcan tell us?”

The leader’s eyes narrowed as he studied Morgan and Derikfor a moment.In that gaze, she was quite sure he knew she was lying…thatthey had no real interest in their Order.

Then, almost out of the blue, the leader answered. Itsounded rehearsed, but with each word he spoke, Morgan became more certain thatthis was very likely where Samson had gotten his start. Hell, maybe he was evenstill a member.

Or, for that matter, maybe Samson was the man standing infront of her.

“We believe in enlightenment, in breaking free fromsocietal constraints and discovering the true nature of the self. We believe inthe power of the occult and the magical arts. And we believe in the Seven Signs,the divine omens that herald the coming of the end times.”

Morgan felt a chill flush through her. This was exactlywhat Samson believed…what had driven him to kill eleven people.

The next question out of her mouth came before she couldstop it. The answers they’d received so far had pushed her to the edge, and shewas done screwing around in this silly robe, pretending to be interested inthis nonsense.

“Do you know a man named Samson?” she asked. She gaugedhis reaction carefully.

“You can’t know our names,” the leader said. “Not withoutat least revealing your true identity first.”

“My true identity?” she asked, anger and annoyancecreeping into her voice. “You want to know my true identity?”