Page 21 of For You

The one closest to them, a man of about sixty or so andquite tall, took a single step toward them. “Can I help you?”

“Yes,” Derik said. “We’re looking for a priest by thename of Andy Feeney.”

The tall man frowned slightly and looked over at thesecond priest. That priest, about six inches shorter than the other and maybefive or ten years younger, gave a small, guilty-looking wave. “That’s me. And…well,who are you?”

Derik gave Morgan the opportunity to show her badge, butshe remained quiet and unmoving. She seemed, at the moment, to be completelychecked out.

Derik showed his ID. “Agents Greene and Cross. We’d liketo ask you some questions.”

Feeney looked absolutely aghast but began to nod. “Okay…canI ask what this is about?”

“Yes. But is there somewhere we can speak in private?”

“Yes, of course.”

Feeney looked both guilty and embarrassed as he steppedaway from the other priest and led them to a small room off to the side of thenave. It was a tiny office, just as nice and polished-looking as the rest ofthe church. The room was sparse, with just a table and a few chairs. Feeneyclosed the door behind them as Derik and Morgan sat down in matching chairs.Feeney remained standing.

“What can I help you with?” Feeney asked, his voiceshaking slightly.

“We’re investigating a series of murders that have takenplace in the area,” Derik said. “And we have reason to believe that you may be ableto help us with our investigation.”

Feeney’s eyes widened. “Me? How so?”

“We understand that you were excommunicated from thechurch around the same time as the murders began ten years ago. And that you justrecently returned to your position at this church, correct?”


“Well, these murders…they started a little over ten yearsago and then stopped. But then they started up several days ago…right aroundthe same time you returned to the church. The timeline fits yourexcommunication journey perfectly, just as the murders started up again.”

Feeney looked like he was going to faint, a look of utterconfusion coming across his face. “I…I see. But I assure you, I had nothing todo with any murders.”

“We’re not accusing you of anything,” Derik said. “Wejust need to rule you out as a suspect.”

Feeney nodded quickly. “Yes, but…why even suspect me atall?”

“The fourth victim attended this church ten years ago,”Morgan said, speaking for the first time since entering the church. “A woman namedSandra Berryhill.”

Feeney’s eyes widened in surprise. “Sandra…I knew her,yes. She was a parishioner here for a while. And I do remember her being murdered…itwas a terrible time. But I don’t know what you’re getting at.”

“Mr. Feeney, what did you do for the ten years you weren’twith the church?”

“I…I moved out to Arizona for a bit to be with my motherin her last months. She died of cancer eight years ago. I stayed out there withfamily for a bit and then spent some time in London. I came back to the Statesabout two years ago and have been living here ever since.”

“And why did you return to the church?”

Feeney looked taken aback by the question, but quicklycomposed himself. “Well, after my mother passed, I spent my time reflecting onmy faith and my beliefs. I traveled, as I said. I did some volunteer work, andI even wrote a book.”

“A book?” Derik raised an eyebrow. “What kind of book?”

“It was a theological work, exploring some of the morecontroversial aspects of the Catholic faith.”

“Mm-hmm.” Derik leaned back in his chair. “And why wereyou excommunicated in the first place?”

Feeney shrugged as if it were no big deal. “Differencesin opinions on baptism and communion methods. I know it sounds small and silly,but in the Catholic church, it’s a pretty big deal. I was angry when Ileft…thought I’d never come back. Thought they’d neverletme back. Ihad quite a few arguments on my way out, and I was very outspoken.”

Derik nodded, knowing that getting these stories backed upwould be very easy. Just a few conversations with other priests and clergymenwithin the church.

“Mr. Feeney, do you know anyone by the name of Samson?Even if it’s just a nickname?”