Page 14 of For You

He could hardly wait.


As Morgan and Derik entered the field office through theback entrance, Mueller was waiting for them. He was standing with his back proppedagainst the wall directly at the intersection that led to the interrogationrooms. And he did not look happy.

“I need an explanation,” he said. His eyes were lockeddirectly on Morgan. He barely even registered that they had a suspect incustody.

“For what, sir?”

Mueller rolled his eyes. “I got a call from Cape LumberSupplies. They say you roughed this man up.”

“Damn right she did,” Marcus Black spat.

Mueller then looked to Derik, as if hoping for a logicalanswer. Before he could say anything, Morgan answered. She hated to feel thatDerik was her babysitter, that he was on the verge of trying to cover for herviolent outburst.

“I lost control,” she said simply. “I…I lost control ofmyself, plain and simple.”

Mueller stared at her for a long moment before noddingslowly. “And you think that’s acceptable behavior for a federal agent?”

“No,” Morgan said. “I don’t.”

Mueller looked back to Derik and gestured toward theinterrogation rooms. “Agent Greene, go ahead and take your suspect tointerrogation.”

It looked like Derik wanted to argue about this, butdecided against it. He gave Black a small nudge as they made their way pastMueller and down the hallway.

“This is partly on me,” Mueller said. “I don’t know whatthe hell I was thinking…what we were thinking.”

“It was one slip-up,” Morgan argued

“One slip-up after you’ve only been back in the field foran hour and a half. Morgan…we need you on this case. I’m not dumb enough to ignorethat. But right now, in the wake of the call I just got, I need you to go home.”



“For how long?”

He thought about it for a moment and said: “At least therest of the day. And I know you can’t drive yet…so I’ve already called an Uberfor you. It’s out front, waiting.”

Morgan opened her mouth to protest, but Mueller held up ahand. “It’s not up for discussion. Once things are settled back ininterrogation, we’ll FaceTime you. But for now…you can’t be here.”

She turned and walked away, hurrying down the hallway tothe left before she said something she knew she’d regret. And when she finallymade her way outside, her ride was waiting for her, just as Mueller had said.

When she got into the back seat, she slammed the door sohard the driver gave her a worried look.


Even through the screen of the iPad, Director Muellerlooked beaten. Morgan didn’t think he looked mad, though. Maybe disappointed.As she sat on her stale, musty couch, she waited for him to say something. Sheassumed they would terminate their temporary agreement, coming to the decisionthat it had been a bad idea from the start.

If so, Morgan would wholeheartedly agree.

“Well, the good news is that Black has signed papers thatindicate he won’t be pressing charges,” Mueller finally said.

“Oh. Well, that’s good.”

“Cross, what were you thinking?”

This again,shethought. But she also knew he was trying to keep appearances…that this callwould go down on public record in regards to the case. He had to play the partof director. He had to be a hard-ass.