Page 3 of Absent Mercy

“Another victoryfor our former puzzle editor?” Joseph replied. “Of course I’m planning to writea story.”

Of course, Amber’sprevious “victories” had all been in helping the FBI, using her puzzle-solvingskills to catch killers who wouldn’t have been found otherwise. This was a muchsimpler contest, without the same life or death stakes. Amber wasn’t sure whetherthat made the pleasure here purer, or whether there was something more realabout what she did with the FBI, helping to catch bad guys and save lives.

Right then therewas only the excitement that came from reveling in her victory, knowing thatshe was better than another group of puzzlers, getting to be the center ofattention in a way that she never normally was in other contexts. As a puzzleeditor, she had been the one behind the scenes, setting the problems. As an FBIagent, public attention was less important than simply catching the bad guys,doing whatever it took to find killers.

“How about we getout of here?” Joseph suggested.

Amber raised aneyebrow. “What did you have in mind?”

“I booked us atable for dinner at that new French restaurant you’ve been wanting to try,”Joseph said, grinning. “And maybe afterwards, we can go back to your place andsolve some puzzles together.” He leaned in for another kiss, his lips brushingagainst hers. It was obvious that puzzle solving wasn’t what he had in mind.

Amber felt a rushof desire stir within her. Joseph always had a way of making her feel wanted,of making her forget everything else. She melted into his embrace, her handsrunning over his broad shoulders.

“Lead the way,”she said, smiling.

Together, theyleft the auditorium, hand in hand, ready for whatever the evening might bring.Amber knew that there were more puzzles to be solved in her future, some morechallenging and dangerous than others. But for now, she was content to enjoythe simple pleasures of victory.

They drove throughDC to the restaurant. Joseph always seemed to have good taste in restaurants,but Amber suspected that was mostly because he asked theNews’foodcritic where the best places were. Everyone at theNewsseemed to knowJoseph, and to like him, when most of them had always more or less ignoredAmber. Maybe it helped that he was such a good-looking guy, and easy to talkto. He was interested in the world, intelligent, and funny.

In some ways, itmade it all the more amazing that Joseph had said yes when Amber had asked himout at the conclusion of her first case with the FBI, when she’d been leavingtheNews.

The restaurant wasdimly lit, with soft Parisian jazz music playing in the background. Amber felta sense of relaxation wash over her as she and Joseph were led to their table.The table was set with crisp white linens and shiny silverware. Joseph pulledout her chair for her, and Amber sat down.

As they perusedthe menu, Amber couldn’t help but feel lucky to have Joseph in her life. Aswell as being kind, funny, and intelligent, he had a way of making her feellike the center of his world, like nothing else mattered except for them. Asthey sipped their wine and ate their food, it was easy to imagine this momentgoing on forever. It was just that easy to be around Joseph. Amber felt asthough she could talk about anything with him.

“When’s your nextpuzzle competition?” Joseph asked her as the meal wore on. “Are you going tocompete in the nationals?”

“I’m… not sure,”Amber admitted. “I only took this one because I was invited. Now that I’m afull agent, I have to fit everything around my work, and the nationals wouldmean traveling to LA.”

“But Amber, I’veseen you when you’re solving puzzles,” Joseph said, sounding surprised by that.“It’s when you’re happiest. It’s when you’re mostyou.”

Amber had to admitthat he had a point. There was something about the thrill of a puzzle, offinding the answer to something that no one else could, that made her feel alive.For a long time, it had been the heart of who she was. But there were also therisks that came with her work, the danger that she and her partner, SimonPhelps, faced on a regular basis.

“I don’t know,Joseph,” Amber said, shaking her head. “It’s not just about the puzzlesanymore. It’s about the people we’re trying to catch, the crimes we’re tryingto solve, the people we help.”

“I know that,”Joseph said, with an earnest expression. “But you can’t let that stop you fromdoing what you love.”

“What am I supposedto do?” Amber countered. “Give up my work so that I can focus on puzzlecompetitions?” She had worked so hard to get into the FBI.

“Would that be sobad?” Joseph reached across the table, taking her hand in his. “You can’tforget about the things that make you happy. You’re too talented to just let itgo. And it would be a lot safer than going out there chasing after killers.”

Amber could feelthe good mood of the date slipping away. Joseph couldn’t seem to accept thatAmber had chosen to become an FBI agent, that she was happy to take on therisks of the job. They were a part of what had drawn her to it in the firstplace.

“What I do saveslives,” Amber insisted.

“I know that,”Joseph said, his voice growing softer. “I’m not doubting everything you’veachieved. I’m just worried about you. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“I can take careof myself,” Amber said firmly, pulling her hand away from Joseph’s. “I chosethis job for a reason. I want to make a difference, to help people.”

Were they reallygoing to have this argument now, ruining their date? Amber wasn’t going to backdown on this, and it looked as though Joseph wasn’t going to either. He wantedto protect her, but he didn’t seem to understand that Amber could protectherself.

Even as Amberstarted to worry about the impending fight, her phone rang. She was almostgrateful to see Agent Palliser’s name on the screen. Her boss was one call thatAmber couldn’t ignore, no matter what was going on with Joseph, and no matterhow bad she felt about the way things were going.

“Agent Young,”Palliser said as Amber answered. “How soon can you get to Quantico?”

“Why, ma’am?”Amber asked. “What’s happened?”

“You and AgentPhelps have a new case. There’s a serial killer, and his methods fit the two ofyou perfectly.”