Page 25 of Absent Mercy

“What do we haveso far?” Amber asked. She’d been involved in the investigation, but between herexhaustion and her failure, she wasn’t sure she could remember much of whatthey’d come up with through the night.

Francesca came andsat down at the desk with her and Simon. She took out a notebook.

“Dave Muldeer wasan engineer. He was unemployed at the time of his murder.”

Amber could guesswhere the detective was going. “But…”

“But he used towork for Westford-Myer,” Simon supplied. “I’ve sent a message to Richard Myerand… wait, there’s a reply. He wants me to call. I’m surprised he’s awake so early.”

“It’s not thatearly anymore,” Francesca said. Amber guessed that they’d all lost track oftime a little.

Simon put in acall to the CEO of the Westford-Myer Motor Company, putting it on speaker. Itoccurred to Amber that normally, it wouldn’t be so easy to get in contact withsomeone like that. The CEOs of major companies didn’t normally take directcalls from FBI agents. They had lawyers for that. Clearly, Richard Myer thoughtdirect contact was the best way to manage the situation, giving the appearanceof cooperating fully while also making sure that nothing was on the record.

“Agent Phelps,”Myer said. “I got your message. What can I help you with?”

“Mr. Myer, can youconfirm to us that a man named Dave Muldeer worked for your company?”

“Well, I don’thave all the personnel records, but… yes, I know the name. He worked here.”

“Did he haveanything to do with the WM 120 project?” Simon asked.

Myer hesitated.Amber wondered if that was just him struggling to recall, or if he wasconsidering how much to tell them.

“He worked on it,yes. He helped with the designs.”

“So he would haveknown about the problems with the brakes?” Amber asked. That was the crucialquestion here.

There was anotherlong pause.

“Yes, he wouldhave known about the brakes,” Myer finally admitted.

Francesca cut in. “Hewould have known that you used inferior materials to save money, materials thatweren’t good enough to keep the rest of the car safe?”

“And that’sDetective Angelique,” Myer said. There was a new note of suspicion there. “Areyou recording this?”

“No,” Simon said.

“What’s all ofthis about?” Myer asked. “Why are you asking me about Dave Muldeer?”

“Dave Muldeer isdead,” Simon said. “We believe that Dave Muldeer’s death could be connected tothe WM 120 project. That all of the deaths so far might be. Do you have anyidea who might have wanted Muldeer dead?”

“No, I’m sorry,”Myer said. “Obviously,I’m happy to cooperate with the investigation inany way that I can. I’ve already given you the documents that we have.”

“Thank you, Mr. Myer,”Simon said. If he was frustrated by how little Richard Myer was telling them,he didn’t show it. “We may need to ask you some more questions in the future.”

“Of course,” Myersaid. “Anything to help.”

He didn’t soundparticularly sincere about it.

“You should alsoconsider warning any of your employees who worked on the project,” Simon said.

“I will not bedoing that,” Myer said. “I’m not going to start a panic.”

“You just don’t wantmore bad publicity,” Francesca snapped.

“You might thinkthat, Detective. I’m just trying to run a business.”

As Simon hung up,Amber tried to assess what they’d learned.