I pass a hand over my face. "Jesus," I mutter, "that's not what I meant at all, Jessie. How can you even think that?"

But she's not hearing me. She shakes her head and backs away from me. "I don't need a ride today, Billy. In fact, it might be good for us to just cool things for a bit."

Panic instantly overloads my system. I take a step toward her. "Jessie, now wait a minute. Let's not overreact. You're not listening to me. That's not what I meant at all, baby."

But she's already walking away from me.

I race up behind her and spin her to face me. My voice is desperate, but I don't give a fuck. There's no use hiding how I feel from her.

She's my everything.

"You remember what I told you the first time we were together? You aremine, Jessie. Forever. I'm never letting you go."

My heart cracks when Jessie won't meet my eyes as she pulls away from me and says the words I've been dreading. "I just need some time, Billy. If you really love me, you'll respect that. I've never asked you for anything, but I'm asking you now."

I firm my jaw as I glare down at her. She still won't look at me, and I know damn well why.

It's because she can't. Because she knows deep down this is wrong. We aren't meant to be apart.

But how can I refute her words? If I force myself on her now, she'll always be able to say I didn't give her a choice.

So, I don't say another word. Instead, I simply stand there and watch her walk back into the building, taking my heart and soul with her.

If she wants a break, I'll give her the semblance of one.

But I'll still be there.

She's never getting rid of me.

When she calls, her daddy will come running.



Tears brimin my eyes as I go back into the building I work in. No use in going home with Billy. I might as well just stay here until it's time to meet Mike for dinner.

It stings that Billy doesn't have more faith in my interior design skills. Of all people, he is the one person who I thought would believe in me.

I try to ignore the ache in my chest as I get ready for the dinner. I'm going over my portfolio, making a few last-minute tweaks to make sure I'm showcasing my best work.

I can't think about Billy. Not now.

I take a cab to where I'm supposed to meet Mike.

I want to come across as confident and professional, but I can't be anything close to confident when my mind is filled with thoughts of the way Billy looked at me.

The hurt and worry in his eyes.

I walk into the restaurant and instantly spot Mike. He grins at me, and something about the look in his eyes makes my skin crawl.

I try to shake off the feeling. It's probably just Billy getting inside my head.

"Posh," Mike greets me, and I ignore the pang of hearing my nickname.

I've gotten so used to Billy calling me by my real name. If I really break up with Billy for good, will I ever hear anyone call me anything other than Posh again? Will anyone ever really seemeagain?

But then again, I thought Billy saw me, but he doesn't believe my work is good enough for me to get a promotion. He thinks it's all about my body.