You can bet your ass there was no way in hell I was going to let another motherfucker get near my girl and knock her up.


Mine to hold, mine to love, mine tobreed.

It's hard to explain why I've waited so long to approach Jessie. Maybe it's that I've become so used to just watching her from afar. Maybe it's because the perfect opportunity never presented itself.

Christ, the girl is so far out of my league, it's ridiculous. No way in a million years will I ever be good enough for a girl as high class as her. She's the fantasy guys like me dream about.

And now here she is in my shop.

It's surreal. I'm convinced I'll wake up any minute and find that this is all a dream.

Jessie lifts a perfectly manicured hand and pulls her sunglasses up until they rest on top of her head, revealing big brown eyes that are even more enchanting up close in person like this.

I swallow, my gaze sinking into hers like quicksand. I clear my voice, but it still comes out rough as sandpaper when I try to play it cool.

"Everyone knows who Posh is."

Her eyes widen, and a pretty blush stains her cheeks.

"You know my dad?" she questions.

"I know of him," I state simply. Yeah, I don't know the fucker personally, but I knowofhim. Hell, who doesn't? Can't say I like the fucker, but I'm not going to tell Jessie that, though from what I've surmised over the years, she's lost touch with her old man too.

My chest swells with pride. Jessie might have grown up wealthy, but it's clear she's not a shallow princess. She was willing to give all that up to try to make her own way in the world when it came time to stand up for her principles.

I couldn't be prouder of her.

I can't tell her all that, though, without revealing that I've been keeping a close eye on her for years.

I'm sure that would freak her out—and it should.

I've accepted that there's something wrong with me. That this obsession with Posh is something that's eating me from the inside out.

And the fucked up thing about it is it's not something I care to fight.

It simply is what it is. It's not going away, and neither am I.

I'm going to be in Jessie's life one way or the other whether she realizes it or not. I pray to god I can be in her the life the way I want to. Me by her side forever.

But even if my girl doesn't want me that way, I'll still always watch over her. No one will ever hurt her on my watch.

"Let me call my tow truck guy and get him to haul your car over here, and then I'll give it a look."

Jessie glances at the clock over my shoulder and bites her lip. That juicy pink flesh giving way under her teeth like a ripe fruit is almost enough to make me groan, but I restrain myself even as I feel a bead of precum make its way up my cock and bubble from the tip.

"How long do you think it will take?"

"Not too long," I assure her, my eyes flicking to little Maggie. I already know why Jessie is nervous. She doesn't want her best friend's husband to find out about her getting stranded on the side of the road with his daughter. From what I've observed (I don't know the man personally), he's overly protective of his wife and daughter. Can't say I blame him. I'd be the same way about Jessie and our child.

My heart leaps in my chest at that thought as my eyes rake over Jessie, imagining it.

I can see Jessie's stomach rounded with my child now, the beautiful glow she'd have carrying our baby within her.

The jealous look on every man's face when they see her swollen belly and realize thatI'mthe one who put my seed in her.

Me and no one else.