I dropped my hands. “Huh?”

“You know how those stories usually go. Guy has unrequited crush on the heroine, who doesn’t realize how absolutely beautiful and smart and perfect she is, butheknows. He sees all the good in her, and when she’s at her lowest, he swoops in and tells her he loves her and she’s everything to him and hell, maybe he even gives her a ring.” His ears burned pink at the tips. “I gave you a sex toy. So Clint swept in and got the girl.”

I couldn’t speak. Was he saying he…loved me? Or had loved me?

“I’m the opposite of perfect, Mag. I’m a trying-to-recover agoraphobic, too-blunt chick,” I had to pause to take a breath, “who thinks haute couture is a terrycloth robe with sex kitten heels. And an array of sweater vests and holiday-themed turtlenecks.”

“You love with your whole heart and only give that love to the very best people. People like you.” He smiled at me gently. “People like Clint. He deserves you. And maybe my saying that doesn’t fit the romance novel ending, but we’ve never been typical, have we?”

“No.” I sniffled out a laugh. “We haven’t. Can I have a hug?”

His eyebrows lifted before he pulled me into a quick embrace. “Clint is a good guy, but he’d love to kick my ass so I’ll just say it felt better than I expected. Hugging you.” He grinned and released me.

“What abouthugginghis sister?” I coughed.

“Yeah, well, that feels awesome.” His grin turned sly. “Guess the Hauser family is the gift that keeps on giving for a couple of nerds like us, huh? Though I fully anticipate she’s going to eat me up and toss me aside like yesterday’s boxer shorts.”

“That doesn’t bother you?”

He shrugged. “Fuck no. It’s good—great—while it lasts, right?”

Maybe that was the attitude I needed to adopt. The present moment was all that mattered. Tomorrow was in the future. Worrying about it was a waste of what I had right now.

Right now was pretty damn awesome, even if I was still scared to death.

“Yeah. You’re right. So, ah, we’re good? The business, our friendship, it’s all still good?”

“Are you kidding me? Of course it is. We’ve got a great thing going. Nothing is going to change that.”

“I’m so glad.” I leaned in again to give him one more quick hug, then looked up to see Clint standing just inside the dining room. His family was gathered behind him and they all seemed to be waiting, collectively holding their breath.

They were waiting for him to let them all down gently about being mayor, whether or not they already knew. But they were giving him that space to tell his story the way he wanted to.

And he was waiting forme.

I grinned and slipped out of Mag’s arms to go into Clint’s. I knew now wasn’t the moment to kiss him. Absolutely not.

But I was stupidly in love with him and perhaps it was time for me to start adding unseemly gestures to my repertoire to go along with the inappropriate comments.

I leaned up on my tiptoes, linked my arms around his neck, and kissed him like no one was watching, even as cheers broke out around us.

And he kissed me right back.


Boxes surroundedme in my bedroom. Lucky wasn’t here because tomorrow was moving day.

Phase one of a new life for us both.

So I couldn’t recreate this night exactly from a year ago, but I’d do my best to hit the high points.

I sat back against my headboard, my heartbeat a strong thud in my ears as I reread my words.

Desperately Seeking Kitty

Looking for Kitty for long-term relationship, preferably with dark hair and dark eyes and the perfect curves to keep me warm on these cold winter nights. She’ll be smart and have a way with a Crockpot and knows the preferred dictionary meaning for pussy. Chocolate milkshake at midnight? Pictures provided upon request.

Oh, I hoped I could provide pictures.