Or if he was, he wasn’t displaying it at this very moment. Which meant—

Oh, God.

Clint’s head swung sharply toward the corner I’d crouched in but before he could spot me in my ninja black hoodie, the loudest moan yet rang out from the back of the apartment, followed by more.

Dear God, more.

“Close the blinds! That neighbor is gonna see my tits!”

“Let ’em, baby. They’re spectacular.”

That exchange was the one that sent Clint over the edge. Something black and small streaked into the darkness a second before his voice roared out and he ran toward the back rooms at full tilt. “Felicia!”

I buried my face in my hands, my mortification so complete that I couldn’t even panic. Or more accurately, I couldn’t tell if my hissing breaths were from that or from the personal misery that my supposed closest friend, who’d supposedly had the hots for me yesterday was now enjoying spirited foreplay—at the very least—with some woman who Clint called Felicia.

Felicia.I sure wished she’d said bye before I’d said hello.

Better yet, I wished I’d stayed home and taken a sleeping pill.

Things moved very fast after that. The apartment’s living room mood lighting was replaced with curtains being opened up to reveal the morning sun and many lights being turned on. All the lights. I saw a brief glimpse of Felicia’s bare tits as she charged out of the back room, and even in my stupor, I had to acknowledge Magnus had been right about their quality.

But then I saw a flash of Magnus’s bare ass while he yanked up his boxers and khakis as he streaked by into the living room, and I so didn’t want to see that because I had to work with the guy.

Dully, my functioning-on-no-sleep brain realized that Clint was yelling one question over and over as he rushed after Magnus.

“How could you fuck my sister? Seriously, how could you fuck my sister?”

In my head, I answered the question for him.

She’s damn hot.

I swallowed over and over again until I started to gain control of myself. I counted backward from twenty in my head, having to start over several times when I lost count, usually when some colorful swear word erupted into the silence, some from Clint, some from Felicia, who was arguing heatedly with her brother while wrestling with her misbuttoned shirt. None from Magnus, who’d gone strangely silent.

Poor guy. He suffered from anxiety, too, and growing up as an awkward nerd who preferred books to humans made him go stoically silent in times of crisis. I felt for him. It wasn’t as if I didn’t understand the effect of sudden lust after a long drought. I certainly did.

Current conditions indicated I understood far too well.

Also, since all the lights were now on and full daylight had arrived, it was just pure luck no one in the apartment had looked into the foyer and spotted me hiding behind the overlarge fern yet. I touched one of the droopy leaves and frowned. How often did Clint remember to water this thing? Obviously not often enough.

Not important now, Kitty.

The downstairs buzzer sounded and Felicia threw up her hands, grabbing a throw from the recliner. Her shirt was still misbuttoned but apparently she’d given up on fixing it. She also hadn’t noticed how her skirt was tucked into her underwear but the throw gave her a modicum of modesty.

And I was now fucked, because I was not able to make myself dematerialize enough not to be noticed. Instead, I decided to own my cowardice and step out from behind the plant with a large smile. “I’ll get it!”

The three people in the living room stared at me. Magnus was fully dressed. Felicia was now entirely covered other than the large vine tattoo that climbed up her calf and disappeared under the draped material she clutched against her ample bosom. Clint looked ready to murder—and he was wearing a small black cat as an accessory over his shoulder.

He took a step toward me and stopped, cocking his head. “Kitty? What are you doing here?”

“Spying on me?” Magnus asked dubiously as the buzzer rang yet again.

“I was looking for you, Clint. You never called.” I tried hard to keep the accusation out of my voice. I wasn’t feeling very accusatory in light of recent events.

More like…confused and deflated and buzzing with the leftovers from my panic hangover.

“Honeymoon’s already over,” Magnus muttered while Felicia tapped her chin.

“You do have good taste,” she said to my business partner out of the side of her mouth. “She’s cute.”