I heard his sharp intake of breath but I didn’t meet his gaze. I couldn’t. “Yet you did it, didn’t you? You brought it to my work and left it at the desk for me, and you did it again today.”

“I did. It was easier today but that might’ve been because I was so thoroughly fucked last night I couldn’t think to panic. Though I usually don’t have to think for it to happen. Most of the time it’s an automatic response.”

“If I had my way, you’d be thoroughly fucked every damn day.” He went back to kissing my fingertips, lulling me again so naturally that I didn’t even notice right away the tension rolling out of my body. “Another reason I sent Mag on his way. Not that I mind an audience but I thought I should feel you out on that score before I took the leap.”

“What—huh? You sent him on his way? Did he manage to get a hotel room? I mean, I’m glad he’s not still waiting in the living room, because holy awkward.”

“No hotel room. Remember how I told him to stay at my place since I’ll be staying here?”

“And he ended up agreeing?”


“So you’re staying here, hmm?”

“Assuming that’s okay with you.” Clint gave me his most endearing expression and not laughing wasn’t possible.

“I can probably be convinced.” I rolled on top of him and crossed my arms over his chest.

“Good.” He leaned up to give me a quick, thorough kiss. “I very much like coming home to you, Katherine Kitty Armor Armitage. Add in a full Crockpot and let’s just say I’m ready to commit for life.” His teasing tone didn’t match the seriousness on his face, but it didn’t matter because my heart was ready to agree to anything he asked.

Because you already love him. You’re alreadyinlove with him.

“I’m not mayor’s wife material,” I muttered.

“Handy, since I’m not mayor material.” He rolled us over until he could brace his hands on either side of my head. “I’m going to go home this weekend.”

“Okay,” I said slowly, absorbing the body blow of him not being here for even a couple of days. I honestly wasn’t sure I wouldn’t need detox.

I was already seriously addicted to this man, and I didn’t want to go into recovery anytime soon.

“I’d like you to come with me. Not for the big dinner, since we’ll be here having our own. Our first one, so it has to be special.”

“Yeah.” I tried to not stiffen up and instead, leaned forward to press a kiss to one of his dimples.

“But on Friday, maybe you’d come with me while I tell my parents I don’t want to be mayor and also I don’t need to matched with anyone named Musselbottom or anything else because I’ve already found my perfect match?”

I blinked at him. “Forget Tinder, try Kitten Around’s classified section instead?”

“There’s a tagline for the site.” He grinned. “I can adjust the wording if you want to play it low-key.”

“What part of any of this have we played low-key? The very first night I met you in person, I propositioned you for sex sans latex.”

“And that I couldn’t take you up on your offer will forever remain one of my biggest regrets.” He looked down at me so seriously I had no choice but to laugh—and to keep on laughing when Lucky toddled into the room and stretched up on the side of the bed, staring straight at me as he started to sharpen his claws.

“Lucky! You know better!”

He kept right on scratching.

“Worse than a toddler,” Clint muttered, leaning over to tuck Lucky under his arm like an overfilled football and hoist him onto the bed.

Where upon he promptly pounced on my belly and decided to try a new place to scratch.

“Do you have any manners at all?” Clint scolded him as he flounced off to sit on my pillow. Those sheets would be getting changed tonight.

“I think he was kneading on me? Maybe?”

“If that makes you feel better, keep on thinking that.”