“You’re having Thanksgiving?”
“Yeah, seems like our misfit holiday is growing by the hour.”
More and more, I liked the idea of that. Being part of an us and having our own holiday with our own choice of guests, no matter how they might not work together to the outside world. But that just meant they fituseven more.
Lucky shot awake and decided to heave himself atop the toppled cat tree and tried to stretch out although he couldn’t.
Cat dad to the rescue.
As soon as I righted the tree, Lucky flung himself on the uppermost seat, but he stared up toward the ceiling as if he wanted a vantage point even higher. Knowing his preference for sitting atop the refrigerator at my place, I wasn’t surprised. I’d have to pick up a shelving kit to catify the place à la Jackson Galaxy if Kitty’s landlord was okay with it.
And if Kitty was too, since hello, not my apartment.
“You aren’t pissed that I came here with every intention of getting Kitty away from you?”
I frowned at Magnus, trying to get back into the conversation while cat-climbing units filled my head. “Did you?”
“Well, yeah. For the better part of two years, I was almost her only link to the outside world.”
My frown grew. I’d gathered some of that from her, but I was obviously missing a large part of the story. Last thing I wanted to do was pressure her. She’d tell me when she was ready.
“Then I owe you a gratitude of thanks.”
Mag took off his glasses to shine them on his shirt then put them back on. “Yep, still here. For a second, I thought I was imagining you. You’re really thanking me for coming here to possibly kick your ass?”
I kept my face as composed as possible. “Yeah. Because she deserves a friend like that and a hell of a lot more.”
“Well, yeah, she does. And I know she’s smart. If she wants something to do with you, there must be a good reason.” He sent a derisive look toward the book on the coffee table. “Other than the abs.”
“Those abs take many hours on the rowing machine, pal. I’ve been slacking off lately.”
He snorted. “Right.”
“Busy season at work. Though every season is busy season.” I stared down the hall at the closed bedroom door. She’d done something for me last night no one ever had—and I wasn’t talking about the stupendous blowjob, although I couldn’t fault that kind of solace in the least. “It’s one less thing for me to worry about if she’s not worried, you know? So just do me a favor and stay at my place. You’ll get a free meal of turducken and whatever sides I can order or con her into making.”
“You’re an odd dude.”
I let out a half laugh and turned to clap him on the back. “So I’ve been told.”
Somehow those freakingmen were out therebonding.
Because of course they were. Having a penis somehow smoothed over any possible friction from them both wanting to possess…me?
I wasn’t used to being treated as a juicy piece of meat by two attractive men. I didn’t know what to make of it. I just wanted Magnus to stop focusing on what was in his pants and go back to being my friend.
Unless he’d now decided being Clint’s friend was more fun.
A knock sounded at my bedroom door. “Sweetheart, I have to get back to work.”
Why did Clint’s melted-honey voice unwind me so easily? His expertly wielded endearments didn’t hurt either.
“Come in.”
He did as requested, his expression softening as he took in the sight of me lying on my side on the bed with Princess curled up against me, paw on my arm protectively. Or possessively. Maybe whatever pheromones had suddenly made me catnip to the opposite sex were also working on my cat.
Anything was possible.