Oh, brother. Here I was going to ask if you thought I should bring my sweet potato casserole to dinner.

Duh, is the pope Catholic?

I’m also bringing something else to dinner.


No. We’re through, for real. He’s dating a student. Can u believe it?

I’m so shocked. Not like he’s done it before.

You’re so predictable.

So what are you bringing?

A baby in my belly.

I nearly dropped my phone.

Are you serious?

Very. I thought I had a stomach bug. Nope. How mad do you think Mom and Dad will be?

One could never tell. My mom read a lot of self-help books and sometimes she tried to be more Zen. My dad, not so much.

But bright side for me was if Emma took the brunt of the familial heat, my lack of a date—assuming Kitty wouldn’t go, which seemed likely—wouldn’t be important.

Your sister is pregnant, asshole. Worry about her, not yourself.

I’ll call quick. I have to get back to work. Needed to check on Lucky at lunch bc I wasn’t home last night.

Ooh la la. Good mood for a Monday, huh?

Started off that way but it’s gone downhill. Calling.

She picked up on the second ring.

“Are you okay?” I asked softly.

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? Physically, yeah, but emotionally too. Finding out you’re having a baby right after a breakup is a lot.”

“Yeah, it is.” She blew out a breath. “But I’m taking things one hour at a time. Making sure I eat and take my prenatal vitamins and drink much more water than coffee. I even had broccoli as my side with lunch instead of potato chips.”

“That’s impressive, Em. I’m proud of you.”

“Me too. I’m going to be okay, Ace. I’m made of stern stuff.”

“I know you are. And if anyone gives you a problem, send them to me. I’ll set them straight.”

She let out a short laugh. “You probably mean Pierre but I haven’t told him yet. Honestly, I’m not even sure I want to.”

I frowned, biting my tongue before I said something off the cuff that might hurt my sister. It was hard not to put myself in the position of that creep ex of hers, but I was a guy and I couldn’t help imagining a woman doing the same to me. Even if it was justified, as it seemed to be here.

“Okay,” I said carefully.

“What, no argument?”